Saturday, October 25, 2008

Risky Business

I have our fifth writers group this Monday. I get excited at the thought of sitting down again with a group of dedicated Christian writers. Each of us are at different walks in our writing process but we all have the same desire--to share our stories with others.

It isn't always easy to do that--get our stories out there. I have a ton of them languishing in a file drawer today. But eventually, one got accepted and then soon another found its home in a magazine or a book.

I doubt that would have happened it if weren't for the support of other writers wanting to do the same thing.

But probably the scariest action I ever took in my life was to start that writers group. Ever have an experience in your life that sticks with you like the smell of egg salad?

Well--I have--and when that happens it makes you really really nervous to try to do something new. I hate to plan a party in case no one shows. I hated to plan a writers group and sit there in the back room of a library and pray someone showed up.

But it worked out.

Like most ventures in our life--it worked out. Not always the way we played it out in our head--but in God's way.

Have you taken some risks lately not only with your writing but with your life?


Kathleen said...

I see you're an early bird too. I love dawn, and some of my best thoughts rise with it.

Risks? Lots! Perhaps the biggest was the move from WA State to AZ. We bought land to build a home before we even had jobs here. I then proceeded to walk away from a V.P. job that I'd held for ten years. Funny thing is, neither the resignation nor the move fretted me any.

All too often in my life, ventures have become adventures of the best sort. Besides, complacency is not something to rout when risk-taking (the sensible sort) is common.

Be blessed, and may your writer's gathering be a great joy.


Janna Leadbetter said...

I'm not much of a risk taker, because I can't get over that unpleasant fear of failure or criticism. Well, I guess it IS different with writing, because it's not typically a publicized endeavor; that makes it easier to manage if I falter.

PS. I posted this yesterday and am eager to get your thoughts. Just didn't want you to miss it.

Barb Davis said...

I'm a "calculated" risk taker by nature and it has brought me many rewards in life. I highly recommend it!!

How does the old saying go? "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Vickie said...

I'm not much of a risk taker. I like to play it safe. I get fearful that before it starts it will fail. However over the last year of relentlessly going after God's word, He has been building a new kind of faith in me, one that reminds me that He will catch me when I fall, not if but when.

So I proposed a new book club at church hoping as usual to be a support while someone else led it, but God left it in my hands and even though I was honestly scared that nothing would happen, I can say that by the grace of God as I write this comment, I am waiting on the ladies to show up. We are finishing our first book today.

I am very excited because God has truly done some work in each of us. I can't imagine what would have happened if I hadn't stepped out with God's strength. We are now planning a study of the word right after this.

Amazing indeed.

Have a blessed day Teri,
Hope your writers' group meeting is another productive one.


Yolanda said...

I dreamt early this morning, that I was being contacted by a publisher for Higher Grounds.

