Monday, December 08, 2008

Yes there really is another chance, Janna!

I should have been an accountant. I'm too organized and I over analyze every thing. That includes my writing.

So here's my update as blunt as I can be.

I wrote my first book over ten years ago because I had to write it. I poured myself into it and gave a copy to a friend. Oh wow did that first draft really stink. (No other way to say it.) So I edited and edited for years, sent it to Barbour and they rejected it. Finally I sent it to a publisher in England this past year and lo and behold, she accepted it but after many months of changes, do you believe this? I pulled out due to some issues I couldn't live with.

During that time frame, I wrote two-thirds of another romance with a character from the first and another woman's fiction book that is almost done as well.

I sent the first book to two agents, one of which said no thanks after asking for the first 50 pages. The second agent (after 2 months) passed it on to another agent in the office. It's been awhile so you know where my thoughts are going with that one.

So here I am wondering what on earth to do next. I seem to have success writing short stories (nonfiction) but wonder if I will ever see a book of mine in print. I was so close but couldn't go forward and maybe I was stupid but at the time my choice seemed right. And yes, still does today.

Then I read Janna's post the other day about outlining a book and if that's the way to go. I've never done that--I usually dive in head first and then wonder why I am not loving everything I write. But when I write a short story, I usually have it all plotted before I sit at the computer.

Her words encouraged me this weekend to give that method a try instead of moaning the loss of spent energy on the past books.

I had a goal to have a new book done and ready to present by the time a writer's conference in March came around but now I have decided to not push it and let the story develop at its own pace.

So I pulled out one of my own notebooks, Janna, (not as pretty as yours) and I've started again. What else can a writer do?


Janna Leadbetter said...

Wonderful, Terri! Sometimes all it takes is a boost from a buddy. :) I'm so happy for you! Best with your new direction.

Melissa Amateis said...

I'm so glad you're going to try a different route with your writing. I haven't found a sure-fire method with any of my books yet - even those that I have plotted out completely end up changing by the time I write them!

Pat's Place said...

Way to go! If one method does not work for you, then try another!

Jessica Nelson said...

HA! You must be a secret plotter. LOL
Congrats with the agents. That says something right there. If you really love to write, then keep plugging along. :-)

Kasie West said...

A writer can do nothing but write, Terri. You think you can try to stop, but you realize you can't. So write away and have fun, whatever the method, that's the important part.

Susan Storm Smith said...

I'll just add "Amen". I used to outline everything--it was a school thing. Then I did a book that I just started and finally stopped, my second daughter has that one. She wanted something nobody else had .. its probably "THE BESET SELLER" that got away LOL, but you have to find the fit for you.

Writing reminds me of buying shoes, I try lots of them on, looking for a certain style, color, fabric, and always comfort overrides everything.

And thanks my friend for all your encouragement that you have given to me!

Jenni James said...

WOW! What an incredible story about your first story! You did the right thing! I promise! Never compromise your standards or beliefs or what you're willing to do for someone else. You will be blessed more for it in the long run. The secret to my success so far, had to do with the 50 agents I queried to find my perfect match! It was a lot of work to query them all, because I made sure I knew them well enough to query them... but in the end I was able to choose who I wanted. And she's amazing! I feel like the Lord drew me to her and vice versa! Don't give up! And just because one person says one thing there's are 20 others who will back you up, you just have to find them! PS I'm excited you're trying a new angle too!

Jenna said...

Nothing else...that's what we writer's do right, keep on writing and keep on trying :)!

Angie Ledbetter said...

Write on with your advice on querying, JJ (giddy)!

And, Terri, this is a great post. Like you said, there's nothing to do, Fennigan, but begin again. :)

Jenni James said...

This is in response to your comment on my blog! LOL! I thought i'd post it here too.

Terri--Yeah, i've been playing catch up on your blog today and it looks like we have both been going through that! I think two agents looking at book one is awesome, but keep sending it out.. especially since that one editor worked so long with you to get it edited--heheehe! I'd take that experience and use it. (Just dont' add that last part!) Send it off to more agents. I got 23 rejections before I got my first full read... then 11 more rejections and 2 more partials and another full (Still out reading) I got my agent. Don't give up!

Kathleen said...

And while you navigate a different route, you'll be in my prayers!

I'm so glad to be home now so I can download your priceless tips. I've never given much thought to being published, but it may just feature with this chapter of my life.


Jessica Nelson said...

Hi Terri,
I am a part of ACFW but haven't met with too many others here in Florida. The Orlando meeting was the first one I've been able to go to.
Yes, I really, really want to go the the conference. It's only 45 minutes from my house! With gas prices so low, I'm seriously considering just driving, but we'll see. :-) That would be so cool if we saw eachother. It looks like they have a great lineup of publishers this year.