It's under construction by my husband. He is redoing the cabinets, spackling the walls and plans to put in new tile. He tells me he has a master plan but it keeps changing by the day. He also tells me there is a really good reason why we need to do this. Hopefully our house should sell better when it's done.
In the meantime, my toiletries are spread out all over the place. And I can't find my fingernail clippers or my favorite comb. It's pretty much upside down here for awhile.
Much like the way our lives have been too for the past few years because of this recession.
While I know in my heart God has this perfect plan for me, there are days when all I see is the mess and torn out walls. Each time I think everything is coming together, something changes and the project gets exended.
I'm thankful though my life is under the direction of the master carpenter himself. I'm thankful he has this bigger picture and plan for my life that maybe I can't see right now. I just need to be patient. Not always an easy feat.
Is there a part of your life under construction right now? Are you waiting for something to fall together?
Oh Terri, I love this post. Yes, I'm under MAJOR construction. But I love how our Savior is so gentle. Today I feel like pond scum. And the more I ask Him to reveal the scum, the thicker it grows. Ugh. This writing journey is turning out to be more than just writing, I'm learning about the reasons and purpose behind it. And the longer I'm in this, the more I realize that I need to get over myself. It's quite humbling being pond scum.
I think my life--growing as a Christian--is ALWAYS under construction. It's good thing God is patient. :)
But right now, my master bedroom is getting a facelift. (I changed colors about 4 times now!)
I feel like I'm constantly learning and adjusting my life to take to use the things I've learned. But actually, I'm in a really good place right now. For the first time in a long time I'm comfortable with where I am and where I'm going. It probably won't last long, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Definitely, Terri! I am there and will be for some time. Thank you for the reminder that God is there and is in control! Have a great weekend!
Every part. I am a work in progress.
Ohhhhhh yeah! Sometimes I think I can't stand the sound of the pounding and sawing anymore, but I just keep trusting the final product will be acceptable. And sometimes I shake my head at the carpenter, wondering if He really knows what He is doing - just like you and Curt. But I do know in my heart of hearts that He does it all for my good and in His own time.
Oh yeh, We are still waiting for our financial miracle. In the meantime, we are penny pinching to the max. Waiting again for more testing for my son in law. They are leaning toward MS, and we are praying against this diagnosis. Waiting, just waiting, patiently on the Lord.....
I think we're all MASTERpieces in waiting. :)
Oh boy...what part of my life ISN'T under construction right now? I think the biggest things are my family and my writing. Our family has gone through a lot of transitions and times have been very difficult. But right now we're in the healing process and it's turning out to be wonderful. And with writing...there are all these new opportunities I see and it almost makes me feel like I'm starting at scratch. I keep praying to be led in the right direction.
Terri, you're always so encouraging even when you're dealing with difficult times. It's very inspiring! Thank you!
this is a great post.The more I think I have it together - something shifts, moves and I realize sheesh - there's still more to this???? I thought I oould just write what I want and finish. Isn't working that way. I think God is doing work in me in this whole writing process and I need to do what I'm not so good at - be patient, let go and trust. Hang in there.
This is a great post. Some days I feel like there is construction all around me. Thanks for the reminder that God is the master carpenter, and he will put it all together.
I'm always under construction. Sometimes it's relationships, other times it's spiritual, physical or mental. No matter what it is, I feel the Potter's hands in it always, reshaping me into a stronger vessel to serve Him better.
Sometimes I think I need to buy those florescent hazard cones for those time when life seems to be in upheaval.
The upgrade will make a huge difference, I promise!!!!
Your bathroom is going to be bee-yoo-tiful! Yes, I'm under construction. I've made peace with the fact I'm under construction for the long haul. In six months, I'll probably have a mini-meltdown over not being where I want to be, but I'll get over it. Good luck with the remodel!
I personally am under major construction. I keep having a few setbacks but in general I am being constructed in the proper manner.
I know it is hard to sit back and watch things spin out of control. I know that God is still in control but sometimes it is like we are on a roller coaster and we can see the track up ahead is missing. We sit here hoping that the brakes are going to work. But maybe the brakes working isn't part of the plan. So I am letting God handle that part.
Thank you for this post. Yes, I too am going through 'major construction' right now. I don't know where it will lead. All I can do is trust that God is beside me and will see me through it. It is such a blessing to cast my cares on Him.
Oh, Terri, your words are so timely. Absolutely I am under construction. It's been an on-going project. Knowing The Master Carpenter has His master plan, allows me to surrender to Him and His ways.
I'd say my life was under construction, too - spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Always something that needs to be maintained. :-)
What a great post!
Two years ago my kitchen was completely gutted and I was miserable. But end results was beautiful and it's now a great place to be!
I hate when I'm under construction but the outcome is wonderful.
Wow, Terri, how lucky are you to have someone with the skills to do this kind of work…and, I must add from the photo it looks very nice. We had to pay…as in real money…someone to do our upgrade and remodel. So, from my vantage point, you are blessed. Lucky you!.
Best Regards, Galen
Imagineering Fiction Blog
Thank you for reminding me of patience. I have had a family situation for a number of years now, but I know in a second God can rebuild it even better than I could ever have imagined it. :O)
Hi Terri -
I'm also in the unemployment boat. While I'm off, I'm trying to accomplish as much as I can around the house and with my writing.
Thanks for reminding me that this is a temporary situation. :)
Isn't it funny how we always think we're in control of our lives? I think that's one of the hardest things I'm learning. The fact is, I'm never really in control (God is), and I'm really, really slow in accepting that most of the time. So, in answer to your question...ABSOLUTELY under construction.
I am so there. Lots of building going on in my life, not home.Dust and dirt on the floor, obstacles I have to climb over.
But I must admit I am so looking forward to the outcome that I know God will make great. It is like the design shows I love to watch. When the big reveal comes and the homeowner says. "I love it, I would have never imagined it would be like this. It is so much better than I hoped for"
For He does far above anything we can ever dream of.
It's no fun haveing your cosmetics out of place, but I think the picture is gorgeous, ladder and all. It has the clean lines and airy feel I'd love if my bathroom had a window. Hope yours turns out just the way you'd like.
I think that we are constantly under construction, Terri. I know that life never stays the same, yet sometimes I want it to. I just trust Him to get me from one set of plans to the next!
You know, Terri, I can't help but see the beautiful potential in that bathroom of yours. But I can definitely relate to the "ugh" factor of things being scattered everywhere.
I guess as believers God is probably always up to something in each one of us. Right now I feel like I'm in combat training. LOL
there's an article waiting to be born in this post...
Oooh, I love that window above the tub. Tell DH not to remove it!!! Like my word will carry a lot of weight with him--lol!
My emotions, tongue and thoughts are the major areas I find need work on a daily basis. It hurts to change, but otherwise we go backwards.
God is on your side, Terri. Your waitng will come to an end, I promise.
Hugs, Jen
I think your bathroom looks heavenly. I've lived with parsonage bathrooms for years now which means small and ugly tile! I long for a nice tub and place to relax. As for the construction project God has going on in my life... where do I begin? He's certainly been working on me from many angles. He is all capable and has a plan. I think years of being my own WIP has made me tired and more willing to concede the blueprints to him.
Have a great week, Terri. Hope I'm not one of the e-mail offenders.
This is a great analogy! I couldn't help but think that I'm not only under construction, but that the Lord has had to apply remedies for termites and mold.
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