I quickly learned that when my grandson said, "Mommy's shoes or Daddy's shoes" it meant he wanted that person to pick him up. At his height,of course the shoes became important.
How do readers recognize your writing?
Most of my non-fiction work is based on some emotional event in my life--the kind that hopefully makes someone wipe a tear or think about a similar occasion in their own lives. With fiction, I try to bring out that same emotional impact.
I once tried humor, and found it fell flat. Couldn't do the way out characters either and had to settle for a down-to-earth antagonist and protagonist. And of course, the reader can always expect to find a touch of romance mingled into my plots.
We each have our own view of our favorite authors. We look at the cover and expect and want a certain style.
Have you found your style yet or are you still trying out who you are?
I believe I've found my style, but it might change.
Hi, Terri Tiffany!
I think I have found my style. I write contemporary fiction, but a lot of my descriptions and voice have a fantastic element to them. It kind of heightens the stakes of a mundane day without seeming over-the-top--if I do it right. That's the key, eh? :0)
Glad to have you back! Have a great day!
I think so, although I don't really think about it much.
Like you, I find my writing reflects whatever I'm going through personally whether good or bad. I don't do that on purpose, it just sort of happens that way.
Guessing mine hasn't concreted yet cause it can change with my hormones
I have a MG style. I think if I ever try to write a different genre I'll have to reinvent my style.
that is such a good question. You know how the makeover shows will redo someones hair and makeup. They go back and you can spot those small differences. The hair doesn't look quite the same or the outfit may not be as pulled together. Sometimes when I write short stories I love the style and maintain it, in my larger WIP I feel at times it waivers and I have to be careful to make sure I still have the same tone and voice.
I'm stuck in non fiction but expanding my topics. just wrote up the local sr. games archery competition and it will be published in US Archery! Also thinking of focusing on a book of my photos combined with poems and a possible children's book of poems for the grand kids. I have done family histories for years and blogging and webpages so it's time to expand into other areas...thanks for the question. I tried humor and it is difficult.
I have! My voice became clear to me about six months or so ago, and I've been trying to hold tight.
I can't do too humorous. I have a touch of it in my writing, but it's behind the scenes. Front and center is always a serious subject.
Well I think I'm funny, but it doesn't always come out in my writing. I love mystery, so I try to make everything a question.
Good to see you blogging again!
I definitely have my style with romance writing. Still trying to find a style for my other writing, though.
Hi Terri -
I found my voice. The problem I have is giving my characters distinct voices. I try to give them physical quirks, mannerisms, pet phrases, etc.
I'm writing futuristic suspense.
Susan :)
Your grandson is so cute! I'm sure you miss him lots!
Yes, I've found my voice. I've tried on other's voices and they didn't work. I'm content to write fiction short stories from first person. On occasion I will pop out a humorous one or a poem. Who knows? Maybe I'll get back to my book that's buried deep in the file drawer!
All I can really say is, "I hope so. Oh, how I hope so." I think so.
Glad to see you blogging again!
Not sure I've got it quite nailed down yet. I know my style has changed when I compare my latest books to my first book. I'm getting closer...
I think I've found my non-fiction style, but perhaps not my fiction one yet. Haven't written nearly as much fiction to date, but I will. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and giving me good things to think about! Blessings:)
Still working on it.
Me and the word style don't go together. I think I just waffle as the mood takes me, and devil take the hindermost! lol :)
Nice post! I'm not sure what my style is yet, but I'd like to have some of the intensity of Linda Howard with a Christian impact. But I don't know if I do that. I don't think my stuff is very funny either. LOL But I hope it's romantic. ;-)
I am still searching but I lean toward humor or satire. I had something on my wall here at work that I wrote several years back. It was a letter to the editor for a technical magazine. I read it the other day and immediatly took it down. There were so many mistakes it was scary.
Terri, I know humor is out the window for me. As much as I love the Golden Girls, I am not that funny!
Romance is really not me either. I deal with life issues that plague women, families, and marriages.
Women's Fiction all the way!
Happy writing...
I've noticed when I try to deep, spiritual posts they don't have the same impact as my lighter ones with a smaller hit. It is less frustrating for me to write in my style and not try to imitate others. :O)
He's a little cutie! I'll bet he kept you on your toes, no matter whose shoes he wore!
Nice to have you back!
I think I've finally found my groove, but I keep honing it, too. I like a touch of humor with a good dose of reality, but in an entertaining way of course!
I think I'm growing into mine! The more I write, the more I think I'm finding my style!
I think I'm best with emotions. Although I've had people tell me I'm funny, I've never tried to write funny. Probably couldn't unless it just came naturally on the page.
Straight From Hel
I find my style going from humor to drama. I love writing all kinds. I think you probably know my style more than I do!
Is "sassy" a style? I hope so, and in the best of senses. Sometimes the term is associated with rude, but I like to think it's eclectic ... associated more with such conditions as alert, or engaged.
Love your style!
Hi Terri, Awww, your grandson is so cute! He looks a bit like my two year old Matteo. Couldn't you just sqeeeze those cheeks?
My writing reflects how I am feeling inside. I cannot put anything to paper unless something inspires me or I feel so passionate about a topic that I have to write about it.
What a sweetie pie you have there dear one. Thank you for sharing your post and heart. Blessings.
Love the picture of your little guy! What a precious boy!
I think I've found my style, my voice. Now I'm looking for my audience! =)
My stories are pretty emotional. They start out differently, but always have the deep stuff. It just comes out.
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