I'm feeling scattered this week. I've been helping my husband get organized for his first week in college--buying books online, setting out his clothes(yes, I still do that--I would be horrified if I let him wear some of his combinations). Critiquing a few friends work, meeting some new people for dinner, catching up with old friends after the holidays, applying for work, reading all the new blog posts. Staying warm!
Oh yeah. And then there's writing.
I told someone last night I was a writer. But when I think of how much I've actually written lately, I cringe.
Life has gotten in the way. Or I've allowed it to.
An hour here, a day there, and soon a week of good solid writing time is gone.
I'm not getting younger. Although I hate to think of myself as getting older. But I've got this goal in my head for my writing plans and I've been letting it lax.
Writing is part of my life. A huge part.An important part. Time to give it back the attention it needs.
What part of your life is eating up your writing time most? How are you fighting back?
I know, Terri. It's easy to put it off. One thing that keeps me on track is keeping a daily log. Then I review it weekly to see how I fared. Seeing the truth in black and white lights a fire in me!
Too many things get in the way. For the most part it's me. I let myself get off track and then time has left me wondering.
I'm trying to hold myself to a daily word count. Writing is my first priority after God and family. It helps give the same attention as I do the other major components I cherish. I do cherish it!
Take a deep breath. I live by my lists and calendar. Every night before, I write a list of accomplishments for the next day. If there is nothing pressing, then I use that day to catch up. I decided a long time ago that I am no longer an alpha mom/wife. First things first, plus prayer time helps.
We are getting older(I don't like to use "that" word either) and we just cannot keep up with what we did say, twenty years ago.
You will be fine....
Cannot life get the best of us, you know!
Life does try to snag our time. I cherish the quite moments I have to write.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
Everything will suck you into a vortex if you let it. Carve out time to do what you want, not what you must.
I get up earlier than most, and get lost in whatever writing I want to do.
When I was a teacher, it was the half hour after children got on the bus, before parents had questions for me. I kept a journal then, sketches of each day at work.
Being a mom and friend is taking up time and energies. :O)
What gets in my way? Me and my lack of focus.
My writing time is dwindling quickly now that I'm working full time for three months. yuck!
Health issues and holidays with visitors has taken over most of my time, but the holidays are over, the visitors gone (boo-hoo!) and hopefully all is healthy and well at our house now!
I've been writing every day and it feels wonderful! I told my husband that, "If only I could write all day every day I'd be so happy!" So I want to be happy and I'm writing! May not be all day, but it's slowly growing!
Oh Goodness, everything is eating up my writing time at the moment! But mostly it's this pregnancy and the need to sleep! Of course, when I'm not doing that I'm editing Northanger Alibi, or planning my launch party, and promotional stuff...
I understand exactly where you are! Right now I'm in limbo because I need to move soon and have to work some things out, so I catch time to randomly edit but not really write. I haven't written anything new since October. That's hard to admit. I'm hoping that once I move and have a set schedule, it'll be easier to block out time.
Life with kids takes most of my time...but I'm not about to complain about that!
My time's being taken up with trying to keep warm!The temperatures seem to be doing a permanent nose dive!
You said it, girl. It's so easy to pick and choose other things, and my reasons for doing so vary. Family, sickness, doubt, the list goes on. But none of it should hold fast. Writing should be something I carve time out for everyday, as best I can.
It's good you've thought about this. I think you'll make changes to increase your productivity now. Good luck, Terri!
Terry, I'd say "Glad to see I'm not alone" but that doesn't really help either of us, does it? Sorry that you're riding the same ship as me. December was pretty much a write off for me. I really must get back into the groove of daily work on the novels very soon!
Right now, planning a "Possible" new kitchen while dealing with leasing a horse for my girls is taking a lot of my time. Both are too fun and there lies the problem. Discipline. That's what I need!!! Lots of discipline!
My kids being home for three weeks over the holidays has put a huge gash in my writing time. They were supposed to go back today, but guess what, snow day! Aye. I've fought back by staying up into the wee hours of the night to get some writing done. Unfortunately, said writing isn't so great. Oh well, they'll be back in school soon.
I've got so many projects, between editing, writing, blogging, and life in general, that it's usually writing that gets pushed aside. I told myself that today I would start using a timer to allot time for the different things I have to do. Then I promptly knocked the timer off my desk - behind it and to get to it, I'll have to try to move my weighted down desk. (Hmm, a subconscious sabotage?)
Straight From Hel
getting older is a blessing to have more time to write but you have to say no to some things in order to have time to do those things like writing that are a priority in your life...
The DAY JOB eats away most of my writing time!!!
Honestly, it's me, and my motivation status at the time. My writing energy comes and goes. Thankfully the dial is on high right now. I don't know how you working gals do it.
Hi Terri -
I've been in research and plotting attempt mode. Except for writing blog posts and re-working an article I want to sell, little actual writing has flowed from my fingers.
Susan :)
Life has really gotten in the way of my writing the past 4-5 months. Time to return!
May I confess a sin to you? I get jealous of writers who do not work a day job. I blog before work, on my lunch break and weekends. I write an hour or so most nights and a few hours on Saturdays. I want to cry when I think of all the hours I could be writing, but I have to work. So, what gets in my way? Earning a paycheck. I'm grateful to have a job; I'd just like to work fewer hours for more money. ahahhaahahaaa!!! I know, I'm a dreamer...
Too many things get in the way, or rather, sometimes I allow too many things to get in the way. Okay, some can't be helped, but others I have more control over, such as how I budget my time. Work in progress, I am a work in progress! :)
Whether it's writing or study, housework or travel ... I try my darndest to live intentionally. Some days my track record's better than others!
My kids being at home, and they're calling for snow tonight...
Have mercy; I need a vacation away from it all. Let's get a cabin together for a week and just write. Believe me, if I had the money we'd be going next week! Husband would just have wear his weird combos, but you wouldn't be around to see his blunder.
Homeschooling! LOL. Therapeutic parenting! Sleep! What else? LOL
Work. Deadlines. Meetings. Work. Deadlines. Meetings. That pays the bills.
Life get in the way ;)
But recently it's been my sick daughter. When she's not well, I can't take her to her daycare, and have my time to write. On the upside, when she's sick she cuddles more :)
Welcome back, Terri--or maybe I should look in the mirror for missing some of your posts. Either way, it's good to read your content again.
Time sucks??? Hmmm. where to I begin? Well, they're mostly writing-related, anyway. Prepping queries, a synopsis, researching agents, and the good news, prepping for the release of my book something this year. None of that, however, is starting a new WIP. Sigh.
Best Regards, Galen.
Imagineering Fiction Blog
I'm not getting younger, either, Tiffany! So I can relate! We can't put off writing until tomorrow, thinking we have plenty of time. If God's called us to do it now, then we need to remain diligent!
It's SO hard to stay on track with my writing. We are such "many faceted" individuals...it's easy to get off track. Maybe a trip to a cabin for a few months would help?
I hope you get back on track, because you are a very good writer. But life is important, too, and I'm glad you are enjoying its many flavors.
I am trying to get back into more fiction writing!!! How awesome your hubby is going back to school!!! What is he majoring in?
BTW, I am hosting a fiction writing blog carnival over at my place. All are welcomed!!!
-Alisa Hope
Honestly....social networking. I love blogging, but, the time it takes to build relationships and to visit is tremendous, as everyone who blogs and visits knows. Then there's twitter and facebook, etc.....it seriously eats into my writing time. My Rose and Thorn work does as well...
Hmmmmmm, good questions, Terri. We all get SO BUSY there hardly seems to be enough time in the day to do all that needs to be done. And then, as you say, there is writing. How I fight back is to post first thing in the morning, before breakfast. It's a joyful way to start the day, even though it's very early. Some days I don't get back to the computer until evening but that's okay. Always love catching up and reading other posts. Thanks for all your insight. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
I have been trying to catch up on all the reading and then trying to pen my posts. It's a struggle as time just flies, so I had timetable done up... so hopefully it will work soon enough. Bless you Terri.
I'm glad your Hub is going back to school and is looking forward to it. I hope he enjoys himself and feels useful and a part of a whole new set of people's doings. I hope you both benefit from this new start in some way.
Twitter is both taking me away from writing and inspiring me. The people I've met there are lovely and there's so much information just waiting to be transformed into a blog post. Life is good!
Much love,
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