It's time. If I'm going to continue to climb the steps on this writing journey, I need to lift up my feet and plunge forward.
That means I'm hiring a professional editor.
Yeah. I've been putting this one off. Why? It costs of course, and if any of you know my situation, you are well award that every dollar I spend counts.
After my latest rejection, I debated how best to grow myself as a writer. Conference? Books on technique? Courses? Critique group? I've done them all and each has taken me up a few more steps.
But then it hit me that if I paid for a critique from an editor who writes in my genre, it might be the best use of my money.
So I've been doing a search and finding out that there are all kinds of people who edit, all depths of editing and last but very important: all kinds of costs.
I'm taking the next step because my writing is at that level where I need that extra oomph to push it upward. Who am I kidding thinking I can do it all myself? Published writers hire editors.
I think I'm worth it. I think my writing deserves it.
How about you? What's your next step on this journey?
I'm trying like crazy to finish my new ending and self-editing in order to get ms to a freelance editor.
I used to "edit for pay" - I never made a career out of it, because my writing comes first and it was hard to juggle the two, but, finding the right editor for your work is so important! I never edited works that I didn't feel comfortable with or felt I wouldn't "understand" the nuances of the genre.
Yes, do your research and find that perfect person! And "More expensive" doesn't necessarily mean better - I was good at what I did and I was considered "cheap" *laugh*
I'm taking a class with your new editor. I'll write more in an email. So class in July and big time editing this summer are my next steps.
~ Wendy
Sounds like you've thought it out. I hope it helps give you that ooomph you're looking for!
My next step.....is plugging away at my current wip. I'd love to find a new craft book. It seems the ones I read these days are all the same old, same old. God is teaching me much patience as I wait on His timing. :)
Good question! I'm attempting to get as many articles published, to get some name recognition with the editors we've pitched my book proposals to. It's an arduous process, but I'm growing and learning so much, so the journey is joyful.
I'm proud of you for hiring an editor, Terri! May she bless your work and life.
Happy Weekend,
Well...I'm not sure. I can't decide of I stick with category writing or branch out to something ST and look for an agent. Still praying about that.
You definitely deserve it! My next step is to finish writing a novel, so I will be waiting to hear how your next step goes. Praying for you my Sister in Christ!
Good for you, that's awesome! My next step is to actually stop planning and start writing. It's time to log in some more hours.
Good for you!! I'm definitely not as far along as you are, Terri! The next step for me is joining a critique group! Wanted to let you know that I'm continuing to keep your job situation lifted up in prayer - in fact you were on my prayer list today!! Have a fantastic weekend and God bless!
Sounds like you are being wise. Praying it is invaluable to you! :O)
what a good idea. i'm at the point of submitting my work Nature Notes for Kids-creative poems for children in contests and to my critique group and getting lots of good feedback. Then of course continuing to revise and giving the whole process time.
My next big step is preparing for the ACFW conference. Preparing my heart, not just my writing. It scares be because I'm an introvert :) but I also realize it's what I'm supposed to do and it's a great opportunity to hopefully get some interest in my writing, meet a lot of people, and learn a lot.
After that...I hope I'll have a more well-defined path.
Best of luck to you with the editor - I hope you learn many great things from that. :-)
My next step is to finish rewriting a draft, and finish revising & line edits on another. Then I may hire an editor to go over the first few chapters of the title I intend to self-pub. The other title will be subbed directly to a publisher when it's done, hopefully this fall. So I'm almost ready to climb to the next plateau...but not quite yet. ;-)
I think that sounds like a very good use of your money. It will zoom in on what you want more than the other things you mentioned. Blessings on this new endeaver.
I agree with you- after you've written your book, had at least three or four fellow writers critique, re-written it and polished as best you know how, then it's time for a professional editor. But the other side is that rejections aren't always about quality of writing; they are more often just "your writing doesn't fit." Now if you've queried every agent you can find in your genre with no bites or even suggestions, then you know its more than just a matter of fit, it's a writing problem.
I'm no expert but I love to toot my own horn! SOrry!
That's a great next step for you, I'm sure. And a big success too--making that decision.
My next education step is a revising online course with Camy Tang, and then back to school in Sept. pursuing my Professional Writing Applied Degree. I may step it up a notch and take 2 courses!
And always practicing. That's step too in my books!
Congrats to you on this step! Sounds exciting:) My next writing step is to get going on some articles, then onto some writing lessons for my students in the fall, and through all this, more research for my upcoming WIP. Have a good weekend:)
Can I recommend Tiffany Colter? I've used her and so does Jody Hedlund. I LOVE Tiffany!!!
Hi there!
It's been a while since my visit. I'm so excited to hear all that is going on with you and your next step...
In order for me to tell you where I'm at now it would take too long because I'd have to tell you where I've been in the last several months so let me just say GOD is leading...
I'm praying for you and so good to stop in and visit you. Hugs!
I love the next step you are taking! I'm busy reading about writing and doing some exercises to help reinforce my next WIP:)
I hope you let us all know how it goes. :-) It's a great idea and I might need to do it too...
My next step is to submit a minimum of two stories a week via sites on the Internet. That will be the umph I need to keep moving forward. Susan
Next step, finish edits on my next book.
Love the picture of never-ending steps. I saw some similar in Canada, followed them and to my surprise found a nude beach. I flew back up much quicker than I went down. I'm just saying...
Good for you! I love the picture, by-the-way.
My next step is to just keep going. I've started my first book ever, EEP! I'm 7,000 words into it and I have to keep telling myself to keep going forward. I glance back and some days it seems okay, other days it seems like it could be useful...scrunched up and lit to get a fire going. I don't expect much will come of it in the end, but it's my step towards learning. I've read many books, listened to speakers at conferences and it is time to actually try and learn from the experience.
Sounds like a wise step for you to take! My writing is not aimed at writing a book, but I hope my amateur writing doesn't put people off too much. Your journey is fascinating to me and I believe that with your focus, you'll see results soon!
I haven't thought about hiring a professional editor before, but it makes a lot of sense. Please let us know how it goes and if you recommend doing so. My next step - query, query, query!
You are most definitely worth it! Yes, hire an editor. It may be just what you need. You go!
Thanks for the kind words. I am at that place again..anxious, frustrated, terrified...you know. In my heart I know I will get through this just like before. I guess I feel like we have taken ten steps backward back to square one..continue the prayers please..and thank you, Terri
Hi Terri -
This is a timely post for me. I've been debating about going to a conference this year. After six years straight, I need a change. I'm polishing my first two manuscripts and working on a third. Maybe I need to consider an editor before querying agents.
Thanks for giving me another option to consider.
Susan :)
I wish you much luck with the editor! I'm sure you'll keep us posted on your progress. Of course you're worth it!
My next step? I'm running through my wip, changing the pov. Just an experiment!
I wish you luck in finding a good editorial match for where you are in your journey.
My next step. I have one book on submission. I have another book w/my agent.
So, I've started yet another book!
Having a home again instead of living out of boxes!!
I'm excited about all this moving preparation, but it sure messes with my ability to focus on much else.
So glad you're making progress.
My next step is to use the limited 'spare time' I have to focus on what I know...writing songs, and working on writing them better. I'm also going to start promoting my music blog more....I posted about it today.
Next step; finish 2nd draft and submit it to a contest. This will be achieved in the next 5 weeks. Good luck with your editor.
It's a great idea and I might need to do it too...
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