FedEx and I are meeting again today. It's okay. My husband knows.
My rough draft waits, all neatly coiled together, ready for my colored markers to begin their work.
I’m trying something different this time around—I’m headed to the library to find a quiet corner where I can read through my WIP without the usual distractions around me.
Hopefully I’ll look at the storyline from a different viewpoint. Maybe I’ll discover areas that need improvement that I wouldn’t have caught sitting in my usual chair at home.
It’s a new approach.
What have you tried to do differently lately?
I love printing off my m/s to read it on paper. It's daggone expensive, so I try to wait until my m/s is pretty well clean. :) But it's amazing what the eye catches on paper versus onscreen.
Reading my ms on paper is SO different than reading it on a screen. I catch all kinds of things I never saw on the computer. What have I tried different? Not much--maybe that's the problem!
I love reading a hard copy version of my WIP. I tend to read more slowly. And, I love being able to spread several pages in row and look at them together. It's not really new for me to do that, but I love getting to that stage.
Reading it aloud helps me spot errors. If something doesn't flow right, I'll know it by saying it instead of just reading. I also like to print it out and highlight-in pink! :) Happy Monday!
I've been thinking of doing the same thing. Sometimes there are too many distractions with a home office. Hope you get a lot accomplished!
This is the first time I've had a set word count I want to finish at. It's different, but making sense so far.
~ Wendy
well all my submissions have been online but recently I sent two copies of my latest work in my snail mail and am waiting. The email version took two months before a no, we'll see how long this takes. I also sent in a sase to have it returned....waiting.
Our library just opened up in a new location where I recently spent an afternoon working on my writing and web-design course. I find I do produce better results when I move away from my 'normal' setting.
Great idea. I NEVER catch things well when I read things through on my laptop at home in my usual spot... I need to get AWAY... to a coffee shop or a library or SOMEWHERE! Let us know how it goes!
If I take the time to read my ms. aloud, I catch mistakes I never find otherwise.
Blessings on your editing!
I'm trying to read novels as "research" - new in two ways. One, I was barely reading novels at all until just a few months ago. Second, I was reading them for pleasure. It seems to be working not badly
What have I tried to do different lately? He he he, just wait until you read my new WIP :) Either I'm totally crazy or I might have stumbled onto something interesting! I have to e-mail you now!
Just yesterday I started a making a schedule for my day. I got more done yesterday because I followed the plan than I did in a week! Here's to different!
I'm plotting - which I have discovered I suck at ;) I'm a pantser by nature, but I'm trying to learn from past mistakes. It isn't easy, that's for sure! Hope your new library spot gives you a new clarity! :)
Funny you ask this. Normally, I plot like a crazy person. But for this story, I'm not. I have the general, important plot points...but it's not filled in. Yet, I'm writing. It's sort of scary, but also sort of fun!
I'm listing my projects and tackling them one by one. In the past I just sort of got to them when the urge or need arised. I know I'm a little behind in this game:)
That's exactly how I work...down at the coffee shop. With a very small, old farmhouse; boys, boys, boys; and Mt. Everest in the laundry room, it's the very best way for me to get the column written. Plus, it gets me outside of my four walls (as you know, I work from home besides) and around other adults!
Mama stays sane that way, the kids live longer, and everybody's just - well, happier. :)
Thinking of you, friend.
When my internet went down and I had to go to the library to get online, I learned there is no place there without distractions. Our local library is not the quiet place I remember from the past.
Oh yes; I do love a good paradigm shift!
I'll tell you what: I am all about "doing it different". I loathe ruts, and I embrace adventure.
Who knows what you'll discover in the library's quiet corner? Good stuff, I'm sure!
I threatened hubby to print out my WIP ans sneak away to read it, then he reminded me that I have five versions floating around. Not. Good.
I hope you find the sweet spot in your writing that will help you make it sing:)
I think it's a great idea. As soon as my ms is as polished as I can get it, I print it out and take it (and a red pen) on a walk to the nearest coffee shop. Even sitting somewhere different in the house does wonders. I hope it works for you!
So timely you should write about going to the library. Last week I thought I needed a change of venue for my writing. There are way too many distractions for me at home, although I do love having my "religious" books of reference close at hand. I thought about Starbucks, but then I thought about the distractions there. And then...
the library! I don't even know where the library is in my big city, but I'm thinking of finding a local one where I can go and work on my words... kind of like going to my office, only without a time card to punch in and out!
I'll keep you posted.
Prayers for a fresh,new perspective!
God bless you Terri (and everyone here) for trying to write from the heart!
New writing prompts are fun! :O)
Oooh, fun! Colored markers and everything!
I can't say I'm doing anything different, but in my case that's a good thing. It's working!
I hope the library works for you. I would be distracted by all the books I haven't read yet. :-)
I'm putting my writing first, no matter what. It may be only for a couple of hours, but nothing else happens at this computer until I've spent some quality time with my book each day.
I haven't actually left the house to find a new place to write, but I have been writing in notebooks in different rooms, looking out different windows. It's actually boosted my writing, strange as it sounds! Great question :-)
Great idea! Good luck with it :)
I am going to try printing off my MS next week after the first round of edits to see if I can look at it with different eyes.
Getting away for several days was better than 100 days broken up with interruption! I also love new office supplies- love your markers and secret library!
I downloaded an app to my iPhone that allows me to write on my phone...I did it for a while but now I've gone back to pen and paper when I can't be at a computer!
A quiet corner in a library sounds like heaven. I think I'll head there now.
Thinking outside the proverbial box! Putting together a test group to participate in my Bible study/devotional. Have a productive day at the library, Terri! Hugs & God bless!
I love this idea. You are so good at looking at all the angles. Let us know how it worked. :)
That should help a lot. Change makes things new.
Sometimes I need a change of scenery too! Or I use my alphasmart for a change.
Hi Terri -
I'm in research mode right now with one project.
My book hasn't been given to beta readers for a long time. I'm printing out the latest version and approaching a couple of people.
Susan :)
What a great idea! I'm curious how this will work for you. I tried a method I read from someone else. They said to print the manuscript and read it through like a regular book. Mark things along the way, then revise from those notes. For me it really helped. Good luck with your revision!
Good for you! I've gone to the library before to do a read through and it helps. Enjoy the peace and quiet. :D
I'm reading out loud. It helps me focus on each and every word. When my kids are home, I talk into my hand. Not exactly the same, but it slows my brain down, allows me to hear every word. When the kids see me, reinforces the notion that I really am nuts. It's win/win.
I haven't tried anything different lately...I probably should! LOL
I love reading mine on paper. That's my last editing step usually.
Going to the library to write sounds like an excellent idea. And have fun with FedEX! LOL
I've been doing allot of "breaking from the norm" lately and it's really helped! It's sparked a new creativity within me......kinda like a breath of fresh air!
Haven't gone to the library yet, but adding that to my list!
Thanks, Terri
I'd so love to try this! Alas, I'll be at that stage in a few years. :)
And best of luck on your revisions!
Strange, but true. Reading words on paper is so different from the computer screen. Things always jump out in a way they never did until printed neatly on paper!
Oh, I love paper!! But I also like reading my ms on my Kindle. I catch a lot of typos that way.
I may print out my MS in a different font and attack with colored markers too. That would be different for me!
They say that one should not let the brain stand with a stick to say if the idea is good or bad. Is it possible to have a different approach and yet keep the original spark of your story?
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