Saturday, November 16, 2013

The post I've dreamed of writing.

It really happened.
After eight long years of writing and submitting, a publisher wants my book.

I always wondered what I would do when I found out. Monday morning, I rolled out of bed, found my way to my favorite chair and reached for my cell phone to check my emails. Click click. I stopped. What? Who was this person telling me they wanted my book?

I looked at my husband. "I think it's a yes."
"What does it say?" He put aside his coffee and waited as I pulled up the email again and read it aloud.
Yes, it was true. After waiting for nine months to hear something, anything, my answer was a yes.

I remembered another time I sat with my husband on our Florida lanai. I was frustrated being a Realtor. I'd been having some success with my writing but felt I should try writing a novel. My husband told me to follow my passion and give it a try.

Seven novels later, after reading mountains of books on writing, attending  conferences and being part of critique groups--it happened.

I am thankful but scared. Scared? Of course, I didn't think that's how I would feel but now that more than a handful of people might someday read my book, I'm scared. I want it good. No, I want it the best it can be. And that means more work ahead of me.

I can't wait to see what the following months will bring. Already  I've talked with the editor who will start on my edits. Yeah, it's scary but that's the dream, right?


Cindy in PA said...

Hooray! I'm soooo happy for you and can't wait to hold your book in my hands! Blessings!

Cheryl Wright said...

Wonderful, wonderful news. I'm all goose-bumby Terri.

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Oh.My,God!!!! That's marvelous!!! Congrats, Terri, I'm so excited for you! You are an example of perseverance.


Jennifer Slattery said...

What fun news! Congrats! And I get the nervousness, but isn't it nice to know, since God opened this door, He'll carry you through it?

Linda Hoye said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Huge congratulations, Terri. You've worked so hard and are so deserving of this. I couldn't be happier for you! Enjoy the ride, my friend.

Great Grandma Lin said...

wow, that's great-what an example of hard work and patience! congratulations....

Anonymous said...

Terri - omg - I am so danged excited for you -- *DOING A BIG ARSE HAPPY DANCE!* YOU GO! YAAY!

Deborah said...

That's awesome news! I'm so excited for you!!

Jennifer Shirk said...

Oh, that is SO wonderful!!!!
I'm so happy for you!!!

Joyce Ackley said...

Congratulations, Terri! I am so happy for you!

Jill Kemerer said...

I'm SOOO excited for you!!! And I'm really proud of you, too, Terri. I know how hard and discouraging this journey has been for you--and yet you stuck with it. Now I can't wait to hear the rest--title, release date, and COVER!! Yay!!


Carol Riggs said...

Your time invested has finally paid off, woo! Congrats to ya. You've now entered another writer phase (and you'll be fine!). Books are meant to be read. :)

Keli Gwyn said...

Congratulations, Terri!!! What wonderful news. I wish you well as you go through edits and prepare for your book to get into readers' hands. It can be scary, yes, but at the same time it's exciting and incredibly rewarding. I hope you're able to enjoy this part of the process.

Lillian Robinson said...

I would be trembling in fear! Crazy, isn't it? Another new beginning in a beautiful year for you!

Susan said...

Terri! That is FABULOUS news! Ohhhhhhhh, your years of "skinny cows" are OVER, girlfriend! Now comes the "resurrection" and the joyful events. First the move back to familiar roots, then the house, now this JOY JOY JOY

And the first Christmas you get to decorate, your home will be the most gorgeous one on the block!

SOOOOOO happy for you. Amen, sister. Susan p.s. Thanks for all your visits.

Carol Garvin said...

What wonderful news, Terri!!!! I'm thrilled for you!!! Enjoy every phase of the journey. :)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Fantastic!!! Jumping up and down over here. Can't wait to hear more, friend. Such a well-deserved honor.

Karen Lange said...

Congratulations Terri! I am so excited for you! Hooray!!! :D

BECKY said...

Terri, what fabulous, exciting news! I honestly just got goosebumps as I typed those words!! I know how hard you've worked, and the angst you've gone through, etc. You are so deserving of success! I know what you mean about being a bit scared, though, too. When it finally's like "Wow! But What Next?" LOL SO happy for you!

Amie Borst said...

Oh Terri, I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations!! You've worked hard, were patient and now you're being rewarded. I truly hope this is a marvelous experience for you!

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Hooray, that is great news! Congratulations. And yes... now the hard work and much more waiting and writing and correcting begins. But that's fun too, just keep the end result in mind!

Joanne Sher said...

Oh, Terri. So very, VERY excited for you! Just tickled PINK! Smiling ear to ear. Congratulations, my dear friend!

Kathleen said...

Joining Team Terri in celebration of your "win"!!! Wow. Living proof that dreams & persistence often net powerful results.

You go girl!


P.S. Let's add to the dream: Next comes the movie version :D

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Yay!!!! I look forward to hearing more about it as you move forward!

marian beaman said...

I found the link to your post on Linda Hoye's blog, and I have one word for your "Congratulations!" Though I don't know all the steps leading up to this momentous occasion, I am sure there was plenty of blood, sweat, and tears!

Carmen said...

I am so incredibly happy for you! It couldn't have happened to a more deserving author! Congratulations!

Kenda Turner said...

Wow, Terri, that's fantastic news! Congratulations. Very happy for you :-)

Beth K. Vogt said...

I am over-the-moon thrilled for you!!!!
HaPpY dAnCiNg!!!!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

So excited for you, Terri! Sign me up for your blog tour. :)

Deb Shucka said...

I am so happy for you! Looking forward to following your journey into publication, and to holding your book in my hands.

Julie Musil said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so excited for you!! Perseverance has definitely paid off for you. Can't wait to hear more about it.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I see you on FB and I left a message when I saw your GOOD NEWS! I haven't been on your blog for a while, so I thought I'd come and pay a visit... see what else I've been missing.

Many happy wishes for lots of wonderful things on this exciting journey!

Jeanette Levellie said...

Yippee Dippee, Hooray, and of course, HALLELUJAH! So, so, so happy for you, dear. I admire your perseverance! Who is the blessed publisher???

Saumya said...

Omg, I have tears in my eyes. I can't think of anyone who deserves this more. You truly are the definition of persistence and optimism. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!! How wonderful, Terri!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Trisha said...

Wow! So proud of you, you did it! Have a Blessed day, Trisha

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I'm so excited for you, Terri! Congratulations and enjoy the ride.

Sally Wessely said...

I have no idea why I am just now reading this post. I am so very, very happy for you. I truly am. Congratulations.

Cheryl Klarich said...

Oh, Terri!
I'm so glad I stopped by! Congratulations!!

I'm going to catch up on all the newer posts. :)