Tuesday, August 11, 2015

THAT story. Are you writing it?

I'm writing my 10th novel. Having said that, I must admit that writing novels does not get any easier. Sure, I understand better about how to lay one out. I have improved my editing skills. I have learned the current trends in writing. I have an agent and one book out there already.

So what is the problem?

Writing a new story is work because you must come up with a good story. Not just a jumble of words. And more work when you push yourself into a new zone.

Have you ever felt like you want to write THAT story? The one milling around in your brain. The one you think you really aren't talented enough to write? Yes, that one.

Let me introduce you to my number 10. It's the book I have thought about for some length of time. It's the book that will require me to step outside of what I know and push myself deeper. But what better time than my 10th?

Why did I wait so long?

Why are you waiting?

For me, I wanted to learn what I could about novel writing. I wanted to practice with my words and process until my comfort level grew. I wanted those rejections to not sting so much before I dumped my full heart and soul into a work that might not ever evolve into a great story.

But it still isn't easy.

Where are you with your writing? Are you at that #10 where you are willing to take chances and risk your normal style for something more? Or are you at #4 or #6, still perfecting what your comfort level can take? Do you have THAT story working through your thoughts as you write a different story?

Are you ready to take a chance?


Vilhelm man said...

A beautiful week with many achievements!

Lillian Robinson said...

THAT story is the one I put aside. For this story. It always creeps inside my head.

Cathy said...

I always find your posts intriguing. I'm also at book 10 or so, none published because I knew all but maybe the last two weren't there yet. I've always challenged myself with new things, and have never grown bored with my stories. Yet, I'm at a point now where I find myself wondering. My idea might challenge and entertain me endlessly, but how big will my audience be, assuming the book gets published? Is it something many people will enjoy, or few? I can't judge that. It's currently contending for a Genesis prize, but that's based on a sample of 15 pages. What about the other almost 300 pages? Anyway, that's where I'm at. I have lots of ideas for additional stories, but "that" story doesn't exist for me. They all seem interesting to me.

Sally Wessely said...

Not writing. Enough said.


I'm on my second novel, third book. Second was a book of short stories. I've written several novels in various stages of completion. All in a drawer. Each one is "the" book and each one is hard. Finding chunks of time in our busy lives. Finding the motivation, the impetus, the patience, the energy, stamina to do it all. When my husband was ill I wrote in short bursts and had trouble keeping my train of thought on my stories. Now I have more time with him gone and some other things are missing, such as stamina, energy, patience. BUT I keep on keeping on. That's it. My brief take on writing. My advice, keep it up.

Melissa Amateis said...

I'm working on my sixth novel. I actually don't have a novel that is niggling at my brain all the time, but I do have some story ideas that are going to take a big leap of faith to write because they are definitely outside the box. They also have their origins in family stories, so I am also a bit hesitant to write them. But maybe some day!

Kenda Turner said...

I'm writing #2 at the moment, but #3 is begging to be written. And why haven't I written it yet? Because #2 has taken some turns and I'm trying to straighten them out! Gotta' be more disciplined here so I can get started on the next one :-) Good luck with your #10...

Marja Verschoor-Meijers said...

Go Tiffany go! You're doing an excellent job. I am spending too much time writing blogs and not enough time writing books :)

Saleslady371 said...

I have the utmost respect for your writing. I heed your challenge and wish you the very best as you tackle your next goal. At the insistence of my prayer sister, I learned of a writer's group in town, "Word Weavers," and attended my first meeting last Saturday and I will learn so much! With an established author of 20 books next to me and an editor from Sedona on the other side, I shared my love for writing and my blog. The president, across from me,asked Why haven't you submitted your work? BECAUSE I NEED A GOOD KICK IN THE BUTT I replied.

A book--scares me.

Karen Lange said...

I need to make more time to write THAT story or article. So many ideas roaming around in my head. I need to organize them to figure out where I should go next.

Anonymous said...

Again, I love your tenacity! I seem to get distracted from so many interests, and do work a job completely unrelated to writing. Outside my job, I'm now in the midst of facilitating two events, one that includes a workbook I need to write still. Recently I pulled out my almost finished first novel that I placed aside a couple of years ago. Looking through the scene cards, the outlines, the various character sketches, the conflict worksheets, and the story itself, I was awed by how much work I had done! And know I will get there again with THAT other story that is brewing in my head.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

THAT story is my fifth novel. I've finished the first draft, and I'm waiting for edits. I put off writing it because I didn't know if I could get what was on my heart onto paper.

The effort was worthwhile. New characters introduced themselves, and I found myself laughing and crying. Hopefully, readers will eventually experience what I did.

Grandmabeckyl.blogspot said...

Never wrote a book. A couple short stories. I have one story in mind to work in with photography. It's on the back burner. No heat. Thanks for the inspiration!!

Jeanette Levellie said...

These are excellent questions, Terri. I appreciate your honesty in admitting this writing journey is not for the faint of heart.

I am working on my 7th book. The first three never made it past editors' desks, but I must say I'm thankful.

I realize now that if they had, I wouldn't have been happy with the results. As you say, we learn and grow along the way. And I was pretty stupid back then.

I hope when I get to writing my 10th book, I'm as great a writer as you!

Ceil said...

Hi Terri! I'm not looking to write fiction, but I would like to write a devotional, or a true life spiritual journey type book. It is work! I have a very hard time just writing blog posts, but I like your question "Why are you waiting?" It's good to ponder that question from time to time. When will it ever be 'perfect' enough to start?

I'm so proud of you! You are pushing yourself deeper, and getting 'on it'. Congrats on the agent and the book you already have! So you already know that you have the talent and the backing you need to be successful. God is so good!
Happy weekend,