Sunday, September 07, 2008

Digging in to more than ice cream

Church is over. I whipped up some potatoes and turkey kielbasi and reheated some leftover carrots. And then my husband announced he is going golfing. I kissed him goodbye--enjoy your torture in the 93 degree plus weather--and got my bowl of yogurt ice cream out topped with marshmallows and whipped cream. Then I pulled out my latest Writer magazine for some good reading.

That latest about five minutes.

I have my pile of work all set to begin tomorrow morning but my four hours of alone time stretches before me like the grand buffet at the Golden Corral.

Why not start digging in today?

Here's what I hope to work on this week: According to the Literary agency I've selected for the moment.

Guidelines for Your Fiction Proposal

Your fiction proposal should include the following items:
Cover Letter
Proposal cover page
One-page "sell sheet"
Biographical sketch
Story synopsis
Market analysis
Competitive analysis
Marketing strategies (if any)
History of the manuscript (if any)
The First Three Chapters

Okay--I have a sample One-page, my writer's resume, and a partial synopsis---It's a place to begin.

A few of you out there told me what you want to work on next week. I hope it is easier and way more fun than this but I also know that when I get through this-- I will feel very pleased that I did it.



Joanne said...

I'm like you, just can't stay away from the writing. (hmm, or the ice cream. Raspberry chocolate chip yogurt calls me after dinner!) Happy writing, and here's to a great week!

Renee Collins said...

Ah, so I take it you are writing a non-fiction work? That does seem like a lot more work than submitting a novel.

With novels, all you have to do is submitt a one page query letter, and possibly a two to three page synopsis.

Good luck, though! I know you can do it.