I've got one question today for you.
To what extent are you willing to follow your passion?
I'm not talking about jumping out of an airplane because you've always wanted to do it or quitting a $100,000 a year job to join the circus or anything like that though you might say, "sure, I'd do that."
Keeping it real, how far will you go to become the writer you know is inside you?
What steps will you take to achieve that dream? The craziest one?
I can't wait to read your thoughts!
This is big, Terri. A big, huge question.
I would conquer my massively horrible Arachnophobia--thinking of Fear Factor here, and a tank full of those things stops me cold--if it meant succeeding.
This is a great question. How far? I don't know. How long? As long as I can put words on paper! It would so help to have support and encouragement though.
I would work a day job to support my writers' convention habit, get up earlier to blog, and sit down to write when I get home at night rather than watching tv or gardening.
I would read craft books, listen to cds on how to edit and write tighter, torture myself by writing stacks of proposals, and submit articles to magazines that only pay $5 per piece.
I would write a newspaper column for nine years with no pay.
I would give up my lunch breaks to blog and face book, to meet other writers and widen my platform.
I would drive my admin assistant nuts by reading her my latest chapters, published articles, and stories from anthologies.
This is the short list.
Wow Jeanette - that's dedication - and some of that is actually what I'm doing now too!
well I traveled 250 miles to interview a 98 year old former byu dance teacher to write an article on her. also got to see my grand kids. i think you need to make it a priority in your life but always remembering balance and priorities. it's not easy but fun and creative.
I was told that I play it too safe. If I am not totally passionate about something, I can let it go, even if I like it. I love to write, but I believe that it is not going to get me anywhere. I do not have the drive to pursue writing.
Big, Terri. Big.
If the Holy Spirit whispers that dream, I pray I will follow it to death.
Strange, I posted on "dreams" today. A bit different take.
Would like your input!!!
Blessings on a great blog!!
That's a great question, Terri. And I think the answer defines the amount of success we'll achieve.
Oh! Tough one! I've overcome many fears over the past three years--fear of blogging, fear of html (ha! ha!), fear of failing, fear of rejection, you name it. It seems like God gives me the strength to overcome them when I'm ready. I hope there is nothing that would keep me from achieving my dream!
I have an award for you on my blog 3/17/2010!
I'd listen to my heart every second of the day, and chase away those negative nudges that nay-say dreams as non-realistic. I'd call my best-friend crazy when she says I must not eat chocolate for breakfast after a night of writing all night. And, I'd be greatest actress in the world when have to make up daily lies to tell my boss why I'm late; because, I just can't stop my dream!
I don't know if I can answer honestly, since Im still fairly new at this gig. Rejection doesn't seem to deter me, non-recognition doesn't seem to slow me down now, and the fact that my biological clock is ticking away does concern me, but hasn't stopped me. I guess I will find out after my first conference in May how dedicated I am! My fist interview with a publisher will tell me what Im made of!
Wow, that is a good question. I think right now I give up a lot of my free time to write but I'm not to the point that I will give up all my outside interests to sit and write. I see that happening when my kids are older.
I suppose, as far as I need to go! You have really made me think, today!
PS: I have been missing you. Hope your new job is going well.
This is something I've thought about A LOT lately. I've come to realize that the dream of writing for publication is inside so many godly, believing people--and yet, there's only so many spots. How far WILL I go, knowing that the odds are that my precious crit partners are the only ones who will read my work? I have no answers, but it's a great question!
That is a tough one today Terri. I have actually been thinking a lot about it because it's been weighing on me lately. WHEN am I really going to get serious and start trying to be a serious writer? I don't think I'm willing to take enough chances on myself. I blame it on not enough time, bigger priorities, a new baby coming, having to be the sole breadwinner in the family...you name it. At some point, I just have to figure it all out!
So, I guess to answer it truthfully right now, I'd have to say I'm not willing to go too far.
Hi Terri -
I don't think any of us can predict how far we'd go to achieve our dreams. I stopped writing for almost two years when my husband got sick. Picking up the threads wasn't easy.
The Scripture comes back to me about Peter, who declared he'd follow Jesus to the death. Well, he didn't at that point in time. Eventually, he did.
I don't want to boast of the future. Today is all I have. This minute. All I can do is keep my eyes on the Lord, and follow Him one step at a time.
Susan :)
I've gone pretty far already. I've written on the beach in Hawaii, and during car rides, and on nights when gathered around the TV with the family. Really there is hardly a limit to my quest for publication.
Right now I'm spending a fair amount of money buying books for research for a future writing project. You never have a guarantee that you will recoup any of that. Good question.
Going into debt to return to school to get a degree in what I'm already doing without one. Go figure!
All the way. Whatever it takes, for as long as it takes. As long as it doesn't take me away from my family.
Everybody had really great answers. I pray each one is met with success! :O)
All the way to the bank to borrow money...
I've been asking myself the same question...
I'm doing it now -- I'm writing. Now if I can't make a living at doing it and not have to get some drudge job I'll be all set.
Tossing It Out
No need to exclude those two examples for me. I am pretty cautious when it comes to jobs and heights. I will have to give this some more thought today and comment again tonight.
I'm recently returned to asking myself that exact same question, and I just don't know. (for me its a craft business, but the question is exactly the same)
I have to ponder this one for a while. In fact, I have been pondering it beneath the surface of my everyday thoughts.
Thanks for making me think dig a little deeper! I found your blog through a facebook link. So glad I did! I LOVE it!!!
Blessings to you,
Since reading all of the lovely writers' posts, I have concluded that I'm probably not a fiction writer. My dream was too big in that area. But I would like to push myself in the area of communications and non-fiction. I find a passion when I work in this area.
Writing is my passion and so is Music. I enjoy writing as much as I love singing. One is my heart and the other is my soul. I don't know how far would/could I go, but I know for sure it won't be easy anyways :)
What a question! I already make lots of sacrifices to chase after this dream God's placed in my heart. I sacrifice time with family. I sacrifice sleep. I sacrifice money. There's many things I do to chase after this passion.
I hope you hear good things about the job possibility. Sorry yours is so tough!
Take care,
Thank you Terri, for your comment on my blog and becoming a follower. I love all these comments on keeping the faith in the writing dreams that are planted in so many hearts, each very special!
Well, I never thought I'd take off all my clothes and do a nekkid YouTube reading (of course I covered up my purty parts *laugh*) ... I also never thought I'd work so hard. "Newbie" writers think that once you've published, the work is done, but the work has only just begun.
It's worth it though - I remember the soul-sucking days of working in offices in jobs I detested and was so bored and drained . . . so, I feel very blessed and fortunate.
PS and "Newbie writer" isn't an insult - I was a newbie myself, and in some ways still am! so much I've learned, yeah, and still learning.
This is a great question. How far? I don't know. How long? As long as I can put words on paper! It would so help to have support and encouragement though.
home jobs india
I am learning to find the passion and to live it. I write the best I could, with my heart and perhaps try to make it a little more alive. I will perservere, hopefully in the right direction. I am also encourging my son to live and study with passion. before you know it, the years would have just passed you by!
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