In 2007, at age eighty-eight, Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
I read that remarkable fact in a magazine this weekend. I was glad I did.
I'm certainly not old, but old enough to worry if I still have time to write a book worth reading. Old enough to worry when I waste one day of writing. Old enough to worry that if I take on too much in life, I'll not find the time to get my dream in before I'm ready to take up residence in a nursing home.
I actually feel a sweet relief today.
The older I get, the more experiences I will have to sift through and pour out onto the page. The older I get, the more emotions I'll have waged, the more battles and victories I'll have endured.
I'm not shooting for the Nobel Prize at all.
But then again, maybe Doris wasn't either.
How old are you in writing years?
Think I'm still a kid at heart, with occasional adult flashbacks!
Obviously not old enough!
Some people mature earlier than others in their writing. (I'm not one of those mature people) :)
writing for me is a process not a destination. exploring my thoughts and voice in words.
"I'm certainly not old, but old enough to worry if I still have time to write a book worth reading. Old enough to worry when I waste one day of writing."
You have put my exact fears into words. Something I've been pondering a LOT lately. But you are so right about gaining more experience and pouring it onto the page. I can only hope that my experiences amount to readable material ;)
Terry Tiffany, Nobel Prize winner...sound good to me!
Getting back in the swing of things this week.
I am definitely just a babe in writing years! Getting ready to become a 'mommy' for the first time and truly experiencing God in profound ways is lending tons of experience for me. I feel the writing starting to stir within me and actually have a speaking engagement upcoming in early April!
I'm glad you are feeling 'young' in your writing years today Terri, we all know you have SO much to give and anxiously await your next offering!
God bless you today!
Hmm... 17? But sometimes I feel 97. :0)
Growing older each day...
Blessings and hugs,
I like to think I've finally made it through the zit-infested, teen-angsty days and am approaching young adulthood. However, I may be fooling myself. :)
Hi Terri -
LOL! Maybe in my late teen's? There's so much to learn about the craft.
Maybe someone should invent one of those nifty quizzes to determine our true writing age.
Susan :)
Much encouragement in such few words, sweet one. Love YOU!
I've wondered lately why I didn't start writing seriously until the last few years. This post sums it up nicely. Life experiences have put me in a better place.
Boy, in writing years, I'm about 15 years old. (But I did take some time off during the last 15 years of writing, after the birth of my twins.)
I wouldn't mind winning a prize like that at eighty! But then I'd like to be published a whole lot sooner. I'm about 16. ;)
This post knocked my socks off.
And then there is The Invisible Wall, a best seller by Harry Bernstein, who penned it and got it published at age 93, AFTER his beloved wife passed.
You are a great writer, girl!
Got so excited about this post I forgot to answer the ?.
A stubborn, sulky teenager. Still learning but fighting it.
Think Mark Twain quote: When I was 16, I thought my old man was the stupidist thing in the world. Four years later, I was amazed at how smart he had become.
I just want to say Happy Birthday? Is it your birthday? March people are very special. wink wink.
I think you know how I have struggled with this very thing. And I think I have a few years on you! I just have to keep reminding myself that God must know what He is doing and that He better take care of my memory, balance and arthritic fingers!
How cool about that woman! That's amazing! I have no idea what my writing age is....sometimes I feel very young and naive, other times I feel as if a little gray might be creeping into my temples.
Ooh, cool question! I don't know how old I am. Sometimes I feel pretty seasoned and wise, but other times I'm like a toddler just learning how to walk. Who knows how old I really am. LOL
btw, you're definitely worth reading!
When I was a college senior I told my writing prof I wanted to go get my MFA. He told me to wait a few years and live a bit first so I'd have something to write about. How completely and utterly right he was!!
I love that there's no age limit on writing.
What an inspiration! It is kind of like this 600 lb man I saw at the gymn. I had been worried about myself and how I would make it through the routines without dying. LOL. Then I saw this man with a determined look on his face, pushing himself further and further. It put me to shame. Then I got up and talked some sense into myself, walked over to the pull up station and grabbed the bar. I went away changed. This story you shared does the same thing. No more feeling sorry for ourselves, sit down and write!
Good question, I don't know! Will have to think about that. Thanks for sharing this. It is inspiring. When you win the Nobel Prize, can we come and see it? :)
I guess in writing years, I'm in my twenties. I profess that I have a lot to learn, but really think I already know it all!
Oh well... My WIP will keep me busy in 'the home'.
I'm not sure how old I am in writing years, maybe almost a teenager with writing in general but I'm just starting Kindergarden in my current genre.
If you are talking about writing precision, I'm just a baby. If you're talking about emotions and expeeriences, I'm very old. It does encourage me when someone eighty or more does something amazing. I'm a long way from that. I can make it and you certainly can. You've got lots of time.
Ahhhhhh! Beautiful story. Thanks for the encouragement. :O)
Mary Wesley was 74 (I think) when she had her first book published and she went on to write at least 10 more and they are lovely, funny, entertaining, memorable stories. Every day will add to your wisedom and interpretation of living skills so that your writing will become better and deeper, just like your character.
I could have written that blog only not half as well. I have those same thoughts. Sometimes I want to hold time still but know that's not what God intended. I wonder if I'll have the time to do what I want to do with my writing life. With so many other areas in my life as well. It seems I always feel I'm shortchanging someone or something.
Like you, I feel that the wisdom I've gained gives me more to write about.
Each day I strive to live my life to the fullest and Lord willing I'll have a few more in which to serve and work.
Thanks Terri. I have been wondering if I was too old to start writing.
not sure the age...but I write as a way to feel connected to myself. It gives me a freedom I never had. I'm not necessarily looking to win any great prize....but I would love to impact people...make them feel...think....change
Some people mature earlier than others in their writing. (I'm not one of those mature people) :)
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