Friday night. I left work and drove an hour south to meet up with Jessica and Janna. If you hang out in my group of bloggers, you know who I'm talking about. They are awesome writers and this was our second annual meet-up.
The Cracker Barrel hosted out writer reunion. Our enthusiasm and excitement did the rest.
We shared and compared notes about our journeys. We hugged and laughed and connected as easily as we did last year in our setting at Denny's by Seaworld.
And then our time ran out.
But first the pictures a very sweet employee offered to take for us. And if you noticed, I didn't post any. You'll have to watch Janna's blog for them. (After we all agree we look fantastic.)
When was the last time you met someone from online?
Not since the ACFW conference. You guys are so lucky to be able to get together like that. What an amazing support system you all have.
LOL I got to meetup with Jessica just last week! Her and my writing partner Karen Hooper.
Jessica seems to be the glue that brings all the writers together :)
It's been a while...perhaps I need to remedy that.
Thanks for sharing! Glad you had a good time:)
Hi Terri -
How great that you live close enough to meet!
I met a blogger buddy at last summer's Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference. A couple of others have tried, but so far we've been unsuccessful in coordinating schedules.
Susan :)
I've hinted for a blogging friend who lives a few miles from me that we should meet BUT she resists so...I took the hint. My son met and married two girls he found online. The first marriage ended in divorce, and happily the second one is working and they have a lovely little daughter. my youngest grand daughter Lorien that you see on my BLOG!
Let's see, it was several months ago in um....Leavenworth with...um you! So glad you got to spend time with the gals. We too shall meet again some day!
I met my online-now-IRL-friend, Ceri Hebert a couple of months ago, and get together with another writing friend, Allie Boniface when she's in town. I really need to do that more!
Glad to hear you had a great time.
Sounds so great! Hoping to meet some on-line friends at a future conference. Hugs :O)
I'm jealous!!!
How cool that you get to meet and talk about writing!
What a nice thing to do. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time! I did meet a gal from a yahoo group about two years ago. We met for lunch and went shopping for a wedding dress for her. I still email her. Another gal, from Florida, I am hoping to meet this spring/summer for a nice visit..I hope it works out. She lives in De Funiak Springs.
Sounds like fun! Last summer I met with a group of bloggers at a restaurant near here. It was a lot of fun!
It's been a while but I have met someone in person first that I later met online (wink). We haven't seen each other since we met in Books a Million three months ago. How are you? LOL. WE need to get together.
oh! I'm so envious! But this makes me smile! :)
If I ever get to the States I'm so gonna have a BALL! Look out because I shall CERTAINLY expect to meet YOU!!!
(you asked for that one m'dear!!)
Oh, praise God that y'all had this special time!
God has really blessed me to have this writers' communion fairly frequently via a local writers' group and loads of telephonic soulmate chats (not quite the same but a darned close second.)
Yep, I will watch for the photos!!!
How fun! I'm so looking forward to the day when I get to meet some of my bloggy friends!
Wanted to let you know that I responded to your inquiry via email.
Someday. Someday. Life with kids has pulled me out of my old routines and some days the only way to connect with friends is online. Grateful that I have online writing friends to keep me going until I have time to get together.
Thank you for your prayers, and for letting me know my name isn't linking.
We didn't default on any payments yet. Will now have do so because his unemployment payments will stop. The weekly amount reduces in the second year you collect, as I'm sure you've experienced. His part-time job now brings in more than the unemployment, so they won't give us any of it.
My dad is a former real estate broker and advised us to try to get our loan modified, and if that doesn't work, to let it default (takes a year sometimes for them to evict you).
Anyhow, all unpleasant stuff, evidenced by these horrible hives that developed Friday night.
Thanks again for your prayers. Hope things are improving at your job. I am praying. An unpleasant work situation is as stressful as being unemployed.
I have never met up with someone from the blogging community. I would love to one day though! I will add that to my dream list, and in the mean time I look forward to getting to know my blogging friends through what we are all blessed with-written words and our sight to see them.
You're blessed to be able to.
What a wonderful thing to be able to do! Glad you guys had fun!
Terri, you three look amazing!! Very cute pic! I wish I could have been there :( I'd love to meet you in person!
Cracker Barrell and writing friends. Sounds like a good night to me...
Did you have the meatloaf?
The picture is up! PROOF of a fantastic night with fantastic company.
Thinking of you. Praying your work week is off to a good start.
Cheryl and I have met two bloggers. We were quite surprised that we live in the same town as one blogger, and we met unexpectedly in a restaurant.
Congratulations on the award from Maria at Life Lessons.
I'm so happy for you all! This is a taste of Heaven, isn't it?
Jumping over to Janna's blog to see you lovelies.
Oh, how fun! I wish I lived closer!
You all look wonderful. What a great time you must have had. I have never met anyone from online being new to all this. It seems like lots of fun.
Woohoo! It was definitely awesome. :-) Now I see that Megan and Karen both read your blog! I feel horrible because I should've invited them, but I didn't realize they followed knew you. I'm pretty sure Karen lives close to you (you're in Clermont, right?)
Anyway, yes, it was a wonderful, lovely time. :-)
this is too cool Terri. Just clicked on the pic of you guys...really cool. I'm glad too you got to do that too...a great diversion from work stress...and your comment on my blog...I know you make a difference in many lives. You have mine....here in cyberspace.
Last time I met someone on line was 1 1/2 yrs. ago. ..we've become really close friends...so close that she's having her fifth daughter in June and wants me there. Oy.
I am jealous of your group! I live in a small town and often feel isolated.
I have wanted to start a group but since I've never belonged to one, well- I don't know where to start.
Language is also a problem since I live in a French community. About 80% of the books in the library are in French.
I've just discovered blogging and have learned a lot in a very short time, thanks to blogs like yours.
I'll have to check out Janna's blog, but i just one on Jessica's.
How wonderful you all got to meet up!!
The last time I saw anyone online was October at a writer's convention.
Well, I'll go you one better...I'll meet all of you at "The Big House" sometime. I have a book of Communion meditations due off the press soon, I'm hoping to sell a million. All profits are going to build churches in India.
It's been a while...perhaps I need to remedy that.
Thanks for sharing! Glad you had a good time:)
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