I’m a non-fiction writer struggling to write fiction. The battle continues.
Writing non-fiction short stories came easy to me. I can’t say the same about fiction. Last week, I had my sights on writing for a category publisher. After some discussion with my CPs, I’ve decided to push that romance into a full-length one meaning more revisions and more learning.
To help win this battle I signed up to take a self-editing course with Camy Tang. If you don’t know her, check out her site where she offers some very reasonably priced online courses a few times a year. The one I’m taking starts in July and she actually looks at my work as part of my homework assignments.
I next stumbled onto The Kill Zone where some very established and well-known writers like James Scott Bell not only write great posts but take the time to answer comments. Like mine. I’ve also been struggling with how much to change my characters from the chocolate sprinkled variety to plain vanilla. I appreciates his answer.
So the battle continues but it isn’t one I intend to lose. Fiction writing isn’t easy if I want to get it right and make it the best I can make it.
What particular writing battle are you fighting this week?
See you in class. ;)
~ Wendy
enjoy your class! Camy is a GREAT teacher!
I'm battling direction right now. I'm a category writer trying to decide if I should stick with what I know or try to branch out to something different.
writing is an ongoing journey. I'm heading into the land of children's non-fiction trying to interest them in learning more about their ancestors in a fun way. wish me luck. my children's nature notes is finished and submitted to a contest-we'll see if anything comes out of that then self publish in the fall.
Editing is my battle.
I'm proud of you!
I battling for time to work on fiction while trying to meet my freelance deadlines.
My biggest writing battle seems to be finding uninterrupted time. It's hard to come by, and like many other writers, I juggle the responsibilities of writing with those of motherhood and laundry, housework, etc.
SO, I pray, try to use wisdom and ask God to help me juggle it all.
I'd find that transition tough too. Glad you are joining a class. I'm a short non-fiction writer too. So trying to write my book is killing me. I've been avoiding it. Probably being disobedient to God's call. Oh, the battle to write rages on. Please me, LORD, do your will.
Thanks for sharing, Terri.
I'm in the middle of revising my latest WIP. I'm actually really enjoying it--am getting feedback from a couple different critiques. And then once I'm done making my changes I'll be sending them into my editors at Bethany House! That's when I'll be in the battle! :-)
Woo hoo! Keep fighting that battle! My battle this week--to somehow make my characters more interesting.
We're always learning, aren't we? I've heard that Camy's classes are good. I know you will do well with your endeavors:)
Wow, you amaze me with your willingness to bite off a tough hunk of meat and chew and swallow it! Poor analogy, I know. But I admire your overcoming spirit.
I fight a battle with self-doubt occasionally. I believe I'm a good writer, but will I live long enough to grow into a great writer? I'm going to follow your example and go for it.
I find it easy to make a story up. When it comes to non fiction my brain locks. I admire what you do and your will to branch out. Go for it you will do great.
I'm looking forward to Camy's class too!
Hi Terri -
Like you, I started off in the non-fiction arena. My transition to fiction took a more gradual route. I learned to use fiction techniques in my non-fiction pieces.
My battle is the eternal editing. I want to write, "The End," and mean it.
Susan :)
Finding time to open a computer file and seriously work on my story.
Sometimes life just calls, and you have to answer...
It's all good!
Good for you! I love to take classes and learn new techniques. Have a good time.
I didn't know Camy offered that class. It sounds wonderful! How cool to talk to James Scott Bell. I really like him.
Yay for you!! I hope you learn a ton and feel soon enough like you are naturally both a non-fiction AND fiction writer!
I'm applying to grad schools and have to write a crit paper about some aspect of the craft of fiction writing in some work of fiction. Aaack!!
I can do fiction. The research papers though scare the bejeebers out of me.
Camy Tang is great. I'm fighting the battle of getting overwhelmed!
Im in the same boat...we will stay afloat together! Im fighting distraction and inspiration. Time to get on my knees to ask Him what He wants me to say and how to say it.
My battle this week is making time to get through my current revisions. With my kids home on summer break, it's hard to give my writing the time I'd like to give it.
I hope you have a great class!
The "time" battle! So much going on right now I don't want to get the deer in the headlights look.
Did I tell you how much I love your header photo?
Good for you! I love to take classes and learn new techniques. Have a good time.
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I'm battling the same stuff others have commented on - finding time to work on my fiction in the midst of my freelance work, exercising discipline to ignore those blasted distractions...and editing. Totally a battle for me. I love creating but the revising? Not so much.
Enjoy Camy's class!
This week, just getting started is tough. I have a novel completed and in the editing stage. I cringe to think of it--not because it's so, SO bad, but because I'm almost afraid to discover what needs changing...
Ah well, I shall conquer! To my novel I go... ;)
My battle for the past few months is choosing what genre I want to spend my time on...I need to narrow my focus. Blogged about it today...struggling with it, praying and mulling over it.
I am in the middle of rewriting many chapters of my Middle Grade novel. Its bloated and needs to be trimmed and whittled down.
Enjoy your classes Terri!
I'm glad I found your blog. I'm also a nonfiction writer writing fiction. It's a different world.
I'm getting rid of a character today. Just when I think I'm dumb, he's yelling at me to get him out of there.
I'm battling finding the quiet time to work on my WIP. Everything gets in the way!
If it's not one writing thing, it's another! lol
Sounds like a great class and a great site!
I'm just struggling to write and trying to figure out what's the best way to get better. Your class sounds interesting.
Terri--I think it's great to try new things with your writing. I'm actually doing two new things; an interview with an artist and a photo essay about farming techniques. Both are very different for me.
I have an award for you over at my blog. :)
I am fighting in the Query Wars - armor on and shield up! :-)
Good for you! Writing is a battle no matter where you come from. :)
Hope you enjoy your course and it takes you where you want to be.
Nice pictures. I like your imagination.
I'm struggling with a genre battle. I've got a story brewing that I'm itching to get to. It isn't in children's writing, but it's one that I'm eager to start. Balancing writing with motherhood is my greatest challenge. I'm hoping it will be easier in the fall!
Wow! I really admire your courage, to step into a new genre - to stretch yourself in this way. I look forward to following your progress.
I'm battling direction right now
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