At first she was a spoiled woman, used to spending money however she wanted. Pouting and flirting to gain attention from every male around her.
Then I stepped in.
Revisions hurt, but I owed it to her. She needed to be likeable.
So okay, she could still run her fingers through her bleached hair a dozen times. I’ll even let her buy that cottage on the lake when it’s the last thing in the world she needs but after all . . .
It’s so she can have him.
Oh yeah, did I tell you I had to make him more likeable too? But still he wanted that edge. He wanted to call her Princess when she acted like that spoiled kid he used to know years before. He wanted to be his own man and not let her order him around, even though he kind of liked it.
But revisions take priority. Revisions hurt some of the innocent like the neighbor who interrupted their first kiss during the tornado.
He had to go. Not sharp enough to hang around.
But the good news?
I’m loving them. And isn’t that a whole lot better than likeable?
What did your revisions do today?
LoL...I love loving my characters! And I hate chopping them up (or even completely killing them off) but you're right...sometimes it has to be done. Sigh...
Sweeten and spice them up a bit. Love it!! :O)
So far this morning I'm still working on revisions in my own head--you know the 'you can do it' and the 'keep at it tiger' kind of stuff. ;)
Fun post.
~ Wendy
Very good! Revisions do hurt . . . but so worth it.
I'm letting my project rest after numerous revisions. It's nature/animal poems for kids. Having fun submitting it to various contests and thinking about my next project a historical visit to Nauvoo for children
My personal revision? I made a choice to run this morning rather than putting it off, and I'm loving it as well!
Of course, I know you're referring to writing endeavors, but I haven't done much of that as of late, so I'll just stick to what's real for me.
Very creative post, friend.
Terri, it's so great that you've figured all this out. The more we know about the characters--regardless of if it ends up in the book--the better it'll be. That's what I'm finding, too.
My revisions are starting to tiptoe into the family drama ahead. I know it'll need another pass or two, but so far I'm happy with the way it's going.
Your characters sound believable, a great thing! My revisions: one character got the axe, and the antagonist's muscles became more apparent.
Hi Terri..revisions hurt, but they are worth it. I am adding newer pranks to my book on a MG prankster.
Love the sound of your revisions! I find revising makes my characters more believable, or at least I hope!
I've been hiding from my revisions. I need to get to work on them today!
Very interesting post Terri. I like it.
I felt....as if the character you spoke of was me! :)))
Loved this! :) Haven't done much with revisions yet today, but there's still time.
Ive actually spent time revising an old non-fiction work today. No characters to revise but Im happy to see how much my writing has improved since I wrote it. Have a lot of fixing to do. :)
Revisions are so hard for me. I write something because I want it in the story--but when I know it has to go, I do it, and the story is always better. But sometimes it really hurts.
Oh my gosh one of the hardest things to me is not learning not to care if the character is likable, but make them interesting. No matter how nice we all are there are people who will meet you and just don't like you. I have enjoyed books where I didn't some of the central characters.
I still kept reading and found their life interesting. So keep some unlikable folks around.
Oh man, I love that he calls her princess! Ha! Sounds like she deserves it. *grin*
Revisions...wish I'd been able to do some today. Like you, I'm working on my heroine, trying to make her likeable. She's a socialite and a chatterer. People don't like that. lol
I write some of my best stuff in revision. You go girl!
Keep those revisions coming, Terri! Have a blessed weekend!
Not doing so much writing these days, but as far personal revisions...I did a good long walk today and am hoping to do that everyday...I so need to get back on track!
Still stopping by your blog regularly to see what's happening. Always enjoy the way you explore writing!
I like doing revisions. I still need to fine tune a short story that a CP told me didn't make sense.
Sounds like you're getting much closer to what you want. Great job.
Wow, sounds like you really have a handle on those revisions!
I'm not revising yet. Still trying to get ANY words on the page. LOL
What a clever post. You are more than a non-fiction writer, trying to write fiction. You are a fiction writer finding her way and making great progress.
Thanks for being a continual source of inspiration!
Do you still love her? And him? Revisions can make us fall even harder for our characters. I hope you love them to pieces!
Have a great weekend!
Boy, have you nailed a truism of writing that it's taken me WAY TOO long to learn.
Way to go.
BTW, just got a publisher request for more chapters. "The _____ character has really irritated me but I think things are turning around."
Isn't this a DIVINE post for me today?
Well, Terri, it sounds like you're definitely on the right track. I recently read a blog post that mentioned the main characters MUST be likable so we'll care about them, and I have to agree.
My revisions this week consisted of editing a chapter in my nonfiction book. Call me crazy, but I LOVE editing! LOL
Have a great weekend, my friend!
I love this post! At first I thought you were talking about me. ;) Alas I have no cottage on the lake... I'm working on that.
Oh that just made me laugh! I'm so NOT writing anything of substance TO revise, that's for sure! Mostly I'm running between this house and that; doing the grandmother thing.
You're right: It's darn cool right now. Then again, when ISN'T it cool in the Seattle area? Mmmmmm
Ha ha ha! I LOVE this post, Terri. What a fun way to look at revision. Love it! :-)
This post brought smiles this morning. Your characters sound great!
I must be careful not to make my characters sound too snarky or weak.
Hi Terri -
Your post made me chuckle. I've got a character in my third manuscript that I'll have to soften up. She's getting on my nerves, and I created her. :)
Lol, I love this post! You should submit this somewhere.
Revision...sounds like you're having a ton of fun. In the writing class I've learned my characters are good but I need to pull them out more...make them more real..more believable..add more dimensions to them. That's fun too. I've been watching people more....Keep having fun...
This was so much fun to read. I agree, lovable is so much better than just likable. It's sort of like pruning and thinning in a garden - sacrifice is necessary for greater beauty.
Great post! This week, my heroine has to make a distinction between different kinds of fear. She is afraid of THIS but not of THAT. Thank goodness for critique partners who can call for these distinctions when I haven't made it clear. :-)
Terri, were it not for revisions, no one would read what I write.
You have a great writing style! I love it! And, I know your revisions will be awesome!
Blessings to you,
Great post! Very unique!
Very creative post, friend.
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