If we met on the street today and I told you who I was, would you like me or have some other opinion of me?
Would I meet up to the expectations you’ve made about me from what I’ve written here on my blog?
Would I sound like I do here? And what is that sound?
Am I sweet, or blunt, shy or really gruff, funny?
Have you thought about your blog voice and the person it creates? I know I tend to write in short sentences and sometimes not even full ones. Doing that can make me sound any different a number of ways.
What kind of voice do you want to present to the world?
I’ve been fortunate to meet some bloggers in real life and the first thing I do is try to match up their mannerisms with their online presence. Usually—it’s pretty accurate. But I’ve already formed an opionion about them before we meet.
That means some people I might not want to meet. I might be intimidated by them already. And who knows who we'll meet at a conference?
And isn’t that a shame? Because I could be missing out.
What kind of voice do you want your blog to show?
thoughtful--in every sense of the word.
Great question.
~ Wendy
Interesting question. My goal in life has been to find my authentic voice and help others to find theirs through writing, which includes journaling and blogging. I hope my voice/me comes across as honest, sincere, open, loving, spiritual and creative. I'm trying to become a better communicator and blogging has opened up a whole new world for me. Thanks for asking...
You're thoughtful and introspective here. And that's true for real life, but you're also more chatty. *wink*
I've had a hard time grasping what I'm putting out of late. I feel inconsistent, maybe too serious, and I don't know what to make of having fewer blog comments.
Hi Terri...
My blog voice is the real me. It's kind of like "what you see is what you get." I don't pretend to be any different on my blog than I am in my life. My blog IS my life, or at least parts of it. Thanks for the question. Hope your Monday is really good. Susan
Hmmm, good question. I don't know what mine is like, or how I appear to people. I've been surprised in the past by how people see me, so now I'm pretty cautious in trying to figure out how I come across.
I guess I hope that my blog is nice as opposed to know-it-all.
I agree with Janna, btw. Heeeheee. You're definitely chattier and an opinionated lady, which doesn't always come through here. Those are good things though. You're lively! Which is something I wish I was more of. :-)
It intrigues me that the bloggers you have met do meet your expectations, your idea you created from their blog voice. I think my blog voice is me, but my comments are more chatty, and unedited for the most part reflecting my analytical and scattered thoughts. I'd love to meet you one day Tiffany. You sound wonderful, funny, smart, sensitive, talented, and inspiring.
I love your blog voice Terri, and feel like I know you. You're honest and straight to the point. Sort of like your sentences. *grin*
I hope that my blogging voice is warm, authentic, inspiring and, on occasion, humorous. I LOVE to laugh!
You always stretch my brain....lol! My blog voice.....oooh...I sure hope you would want to meet me! I don't really know how I come across, but honestly, I am a "crazy" person who loves the Lord and loves people...well, accept for cranky people...and frankly...they make me nervous.
I came by to thank you for your encouragement, prayers, and support and once again find myself laughing and smiling....all the while left with "much" to think and pray about. Yes, my dear..you have a beautiful blog voice and I am sure I would NOT be disappointed if I were able to meet you.
You have a wonderful blog voice. It's hard for me to tell what my own blog voice is because it's just me. I know I'm more introverted in real life than on my blog, but other than that, I'm not sure. It's certainly an interesting topic!
Great question, Terri. I always hope my blog represents the true me. I tend to be an open book in many ways, but I also hope my passion for people and life shows through. It's hard to say until people tell you.
Such an interesting question. When I began blogging I didn't know that blogs needed a "voice". I just did what came natural, and it turned out that by being myself, I had a voice and it's authentic (at least to me!).
I think it's odd when someone tries to be someone different on a blog than in real life. I think you can tell the person is trying too hard.
I hope I come across as authentic,down to earth and thoughtful.
Like I have lived what I write about or I am trying to.
Well, I don't know what kind of voice my blog shows or should show. It's just me. The way I am with my friends.
As long as the understanding part goes...there are some who can read between the lines when I keep a three-wheeler auto mobile picture on my blog that says "love is sweet poison ;)" and for some it is just a plain three-wheeler vehicle which carries a cliched phrase.
But anyways I would love to know what impressions do my blogger friends have of me after having gone through my blog! Sounds exciting!
What an interesting question. I don't think my blog voice presents the full me, but I hope it's close.
Definitely something to consider when posting. (and I write in incomplete sentences too---no shame in that. Right?).
Friendly and kind, intellectual, and ready and willing to listen.
Wow! "That means some people I might not want to meet. I might be intimidated by them already." This is very honest.
Wellll, I think I am nicer on my blog than I am in person. In person, I am pretty stern but very fair. I suspect some bloggers let it all out, while others don't. I think you can choose who you are on your blog. So I'm not sure if we get an accurate picture of anyone. But that's half the fun.
Ooooo...awesome question!!
I think that I'm probably quite similar to my blog presence. However, I think my blog presence is MUCH more outgoing than me, myself! Lol...isn't that interesting?
I think it would be fabulous to meet you! You have such a positive presence. I can't imagine it wouldn't be fun *grin*
I've never thought of a blogging voice before, very interesting. I know I get images of what I think people look like from conversations on the phone, and half the time I am wrong. I hope my voice is friendly and doesn't reveal how uncomfortable I usually am when conversing face to face with new people. It is so much easier to hide behind the computer.
Hmmm. I don't know what I portray and haven't thought about it but should!
I like yours...which mixes humor, reality, frustration, and hope. It always seems honest!!!
I want my voice to be real, and to reflect my faith. I also want to be able to convey how much I appreciate the good blogging friends I've met online (like you:). I've had people tell me that my writing sounds like me, so hopefully my blog reflects the real me as well. Always enjoy your posts, Terri, and I think I would like you in person! :)
Is it horrible that I haven't given this much thought? I guess I want my blog to sound, well....like me. Not sure if I'd be able to describe it in one word. But maybe snippets of passion, and faith, and struggle, and knowledge, and hopefully...honesty.
Oh dear....now I'm blog shy...of my own blog! LOL! People tell me I come across as self assured and secure in real life, but that's so not me inside. The things I write about are things that either puzzle me, things I'm working on in myself, or things I just don't get. Writing is a journey of sorts for me, I guess.
You're right though, always give people the benefit of the doubt. You may find a forever friend!
Great question, Terri. I hope I am down to earth online. My leap into the blogging world took place less than a year ago and I haven't met any of my blogging friends in person yet, but I'm excited to!
Hi Terri -
I think you're very genuine. We've had the privilege of emailing, and you're the same there as on the blog.
I'm a "what you see is what you get" type of gal. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to write all these characters. LOL!
Susan :)
I'm of the opinion that I'm similar to you in certain aspects. Like a fellow reader, I too find you blunt, honest, to the point and I've taken a liking to your writing style. I'd have to say that my own 'blog voice' would be similar, only I'm a bit of a darker, angrier person who speaks straight from the flames of my passionate heart. I might come off as a jerk (which might be why I have no followers yet LOL), but I really only speak so "arrogantly" to try to further the point I'm trying to get across. Thanks for another great question, Terri, can't wait 'til the next one!
Hi Terri....in my case I try to blog about my writing experiences( very few right now). There is no pretense as I am just being my real self.
Your post is making me think about what impression others form of me when they read my blogs.
I think I would sound like me. My words are straight from that place inside that both aches and overflows with joy. My blog is very me :) I am more fun in 3D though :)
Hi Terri,
I was surprised on one of my recent posts about this topic that you thought I was quiet and shy but nice--or something like that! :-) I'm glad you think I'm nice! But I'm definitely not the shy, quiet type! It's interesting that you got that impression though. Maybe I need to start using more exclamation points in my blogs and tweets so I sound louder! ;-)
You may find a forever friend!
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I imagine I'm pretty chaotic like my posts can be *laugh* - but then again, people seem to think I'm easy to be around, even when inside I may be shy and jittery at first, out of my nature surroundings and people.
I think I would meet a thoughtful, intelligent, nice person if I were to meet you!
I noticed in another post you mention that you are a non-fiction writer struggling to write fiction. I'm in an even tougher position: I'm a technical writer struggling to be a fiction writer! I have to be so, so, so careful otherwise my narrative starts to sound like a research paper! When I write descriptions, I actually feel guilty when I don't reference the research material I used!
My point being that our other writing backgrounds affect our fiction and our blogging "voice".
I'm working on a middle grade book right now, so to counteract my day job writing, I always have several middle grade books (I rotate them constantly so I don't copy voice) to get me out of work mode and back into kid mode!
Your blogging voice (from what I've read so far) is concise, thoughtful, with a touch of humor. I love it!
I blog like I tend to write - real with a hint of humor. But I am also more outgoing in my writing than I am in real life. Most of the people I meet say they're surprised to learn I'm not as extroverted as I seem online. But maybe that's normal. :-)
I hope my blog shows my laid-back, but go-get-em personality. I know yours always makes me feel comfortable--one of my favorite things about you!
I'd love to meet you in real life!! It would be awesome, almost like we'd been friends for a while because we've been reading each other's blogs. That's the best part about meeting people in real life. You feel like you know them.
You come across to me as being warm, wonderful, and honest. I love how you blog agout many aspects of your world. And it's all the same kind, interesting person.
I would like to come across as encouraging, friendly, fun, and loving. I hope that's what people see.
Very good post!! It really has me thinking!!
I never really thought about it. I suppose I want my blog to be a reflection of me, which should show the importance of family, giving thanks, and how I have much to learn about writing.
Good question......... I'd like my blog voice to be conversational, approachable, warm.
I would love to meet you, Terri! I think we have a lot in common, even though I don't write.
I have been thinking about you, also. I wanted to write on your facebook wall, but to be perfectly honest, I do not really like the facebook thing! It just is not me....
Anyway, hubby is progressing slowly. He goes in for a bone density today. We just keep plugging alone.....
Well, I've not thought about this. I usually just write whatever is on my mind for the day. It might be my family...it might be some insight God has given me. Sometimes it's simply thinking out loud, working my way through something, digesting it. I guess I think of myself as just an ordinary Christian woman (as opposed to a super-model-CHristian) who loves God and her family, and is working her way through life's good things as well as upsets and failures. Just ordinary life being lived and experienced.
What a great question. I've had the pleasure of meeting some blog buddies and found I liked them as much in person as I do in the virtual world. I want my blog voice to show a woman in search of the truth with deep connections to people and her life.
Great question! Style and content play into the equation. I love meeting my blogger friends. The ones I have met totally fit their blogger voice.
Wonderful question! I expect you are very much like I imagine; a warm, kind, and thoughtful person...
I hope I have some of those same qualities in both my blog and my real self. :)
What a great question! I see you as a kind and caring person with a bit of a playful spirit. Always trying to find the positive side of the situation. Prepared to teach as well as to learn.
I'm curious what kind of voice my blog shows. hmmm.
Have a great weekend!
I've been thinking about this a good bit recently...(scary! Are you in my head????) and wondering exactly the same thing? And I don't know the answers for myself- but I know I'd love to meet you!!!
As far as me and my blog....What you see (and read), is what you get! :)
I want to write from a place of authenticity. I never want to write anything I didn't mean or haven't lived.
I also happen to think you're someone I'd love to meet in person. You have a great deal more to you than your invaluable writing advice/encouragement that we find here.
Blessings to you and yours this weekend.
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