I read so many wonderful posts, posts where bloggers pour a part of their selves out on the page and share a depth of their hearts for the entire world to read.
Then I click on to the next.
How often do you rush through a blog post so you can answer everyone who posted on yours? Maybe skim it to be polite?
If you’re honest, and like me, you might have to admit you have. I know I have many times.
And if you’ve noticed, I’ve cut back my blog posts. Sometimes I write two a week, other weeks I write only one.
The reason?
I want to spend more time lingering and savoring your posts. You’ve taken a huge part of your life and posted it for my enjoyment. I’m cheating myself if I don’t pull from them what I can. I’m cheating you. My whole point in blogging isn’t for you to ooh and aaah over my brilliance.
I’ve said it before. It’s about the connections I make here.
Do you ever wonder if a commenter actually reads all of what you wrote?
Yes, I do wonder that - for all of my blogs. And I also wonder, that if they read it, why they don't leave a comment. Sometimes it's nice to know if your post spoke to someone or helped them, etc. And, sometimes, it's just nice to read a "just wanted to say hello" type of comment too.
Of course, but that's okay if they don't. It depends on what they are looking for and how much time they have. I skim all the time. But if I comment on a blog - it means I read it.
Yes, there have been times when I could tell just how far a reader got in a post before they commented. I skim quite a bit, but then that's the way I read most everything - fast. :-)
If I don't read the whole post, I don't usually comment. I just don't want to comment and then feel silly because they said something else that would negate my comment or something. And if I didn't connect with the post enough to read the whole thing, I probably don't have anything to add. :)
I only write posts once a week, too. I think other writers appreciate this--because we're all busy. Really, I think we ALL should only post once or twice a week. Let's start a movement, shall we? LOL
And yes, I've skimmed, and yes I can tell when someone hasn't thoroughly read my post before he/she comments. I still love making the connections with people, and that's why I reply to all my commenters (and why I visit other blogs).
I have. Especially if it's a very long post. (But I skim some parts of books too if the author gets a little rambly) :)
But that is EXACTLY the reason why I cut down on my own posts too. I don't want to rush either.
So maybe it takes me longer than a day to get to someone's post, but at least I read it and absorb it.
You nailed it. This is part of why I closed my emerging blog. I already write a blog for people who have facial pain, people who are looking for information and support. Although I love to read what blog friends like you have to say, it's easy to get blogged down. I'm back to tweeting, and it's working out a lot better for me. Brevity can be a blessing.
It's such a balancing act, isn't it? You're so right - we CAN learn so much from each other. Do you have a set time for reading blogs? How much time do you devote to it each week?
I still struggle with finding the right balance between writing and social media. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Have a great week, Terri! God bless!
Yes, I have wondered because I'm guilty of skimming myself. Usually it's because I haven't blogged in a few days and am trying to catch up quickly. I do, for the most part, try to read each post thoroughly.
When the post is a little longer than my normal ones may be,,,,yes. The thought makes one feel a little bad but then ....it's okay if they were looking for something else (or anything else I could assume to make me feel okay about it).
I wonder that ll the time. Even when my posts aren't very long and they answer my question at the end but it only kind of makes sense with what I'm saying.
I skim at times, but I TRY not to. If I'm visiting a page, it means I want to be there, and I wan to read it:)
I totally agree. I used to pressure myself like, i have to write today and felt like i needed to have alot of posts to make my blog work. I have come to realize that its the quality not the quantity of the writing that is important. I also want people to leave comments on my blog but as long as the message gets through, thats what is important. I send love to everyone today. Have great days.
I do. Because sometimes I just have enough time to skim only. And sometimes I wonder if we're just playing this game where we try to do everything and get to everyone's blog and all, but we're really just chasing our tails.
I may scale back too even though I only post twice a week. I originally thought I was being realistic by posting only twice, but even that has been hard to keep up with recent life events and projects. Aiming for a Godly balance. Thanks, Terri, for posting this. :)
I skim and it comes with a lot of guilt! I feel like I should be reading every word because people write such great things. I made a rule with myself last week to read thoroughly when I visit blogs and write less over all! And you always leave thoughtful, warm comments which I know are appreciated by everyone :)
All the time. Sometimes from the comment you can tell whether your post had an effect.
I agree with you, that at the end of the day is boils down to relationships. I want to know the people and share in their journey:)
Thanks, Terri. If anyone wants to skim my posts, most of which are reviews, that's great!
The people that I follow usually have something interesting or helpful to say. ;)
I canusually tell from the comment if someone hasn't read the whole post. But I also realize there's only so much time in the day for visiting blogs, so I try to keep my posts short. This year I've cut way back on the number of posts I make too. Sometimes I just make a short post to let people know I'm still here!
What is the goal? To have all your words read, be brief. If you have information to share with those who need/want it put it all down. If you have a lot to say post frequently. If there isn't much but you want to stay in touch try once a week. What is YOUR goal, the readers who need what you provide will find you.
well I blog daily, just to keep me writing and thinking. Not all my blogging friends comment daily and that's fine. I enjoy connecting as others are able to and as my family is interested...
What do you mean? The only reason I come here is to ooh and aaah over your brilliance! Is there another reason I'm missing?
With an art blog, it's usually quite easy to tell if a commenter read or not. Often my script has little to do with my art. So if the comment only mentions my art, I know but it's ok. I can ramble on at times... (always really)
My blogging style is a little different. Blogging is important to me, but reading hundreds of blogs each week isn't possible. I try to make it to the core blogs--the friends I made early on--at least once a week, and I read others as I find time. I don't always comment back on someone who has commented on mine--it's tough--but I will try to get back to their blog within a week or two.
Since I write all of my posts a week in advance, I'm sticking with my original three days a week formula. It works for me.
Yes! This is the reason for my goal to shorten my blog posts this year. It makes it easier for people to read, and then I can spread them out and have more posts that way. :)
I often find the comments amusing when someone has only skimmed the first paragraph and missed the point of the post.
I used to visit a lot without commenting, but then I realized that people want to know I was there. But, as long as someone doesn't go on and on about nothing, I do read them. I just don't visit as often.
Yes, sometimes I do wonder if they really read what I've posted, BUT I'm just thrilled they took time out of their busy schedules to stop by my blog. I know how busy life can become.
To help so I don't skim, I visit different blogs on different days. It helps me keep track of my favorites.
You always leave such thoughtful comments. It's obvious you take the time to read my blog, and I so appreciate it. I really enjoy reading yours too! You always make people think about the writing process and you share the ups and downs. It's great information!
Oh sure, Terri, I think there are times people just skim a post. I imagine if the subject matter interests the reader, more might be read. I love reading blogs and, of course, I adore writing them, too. Some take more time than others but every second is well spent. Blogs, both read and written, add to the intense and precious joy of life, don't you think? Susan
I don't mind how much of my post readers read. I assume they read what they needed to and wanted to.
I do love reading other people's blogs, but I follow more that 300 so I often skim, unless something really really stands out. I don't do it to be rude. I do it so that I can get to as many posts as possible to support those who support me :)
I try to read everyone's post I follow and read it all, but sometimes it takes me a few days to get to it. I only post 3 days a week because that's what I can do to put out a post I think will be meaningful.
I really try to keep mine short to keep the reader's interest. It's hard to read through so many, but when I put my little face in your GFC box I mean it, I'm your follower. :O)
I don't expect everyone to read everything in my blog post, especially if it's a long post. People can read what they want to read. Like you, I only post once or twice a week.
No, I don't usually wonder that. Only if a comment is off and has nothing to do with the post but isn't spam. LOL
Like others said, I don't mind skimming. Mostly I read through posts but if they're real long or hard on the eyes (fonts/pics) then I skim.
I'm not a savorer. More of a gulper. In fact, I'm gorging on chocolate frosting at this very moment. *Grin*
Well, since you asked, yes, I do wonder. In fact, I got a canned response from one blogger. I was so sure it was canned that I looked on other blogs that I knew this blogger visited. Yep, the response was canned. I never bothered to visit the blog again.
I agree with you. Blogging is about connections. I didn't know that when I first started blogging. I wrote to write. Then, when folks began to visit and comment, I suddenly felt connected to a whole new world. I take this world seriously.
I check blogs daily, but only write my own blog a few times a week, or once a week. I am still sorting though what to share and what not to share. I am trying to be a discriminating writer and a thorough reader when it comes to blogs.
Hi Terri -
I post three times per week and try to have a month of posts scheduled. I'm a little behind in that department right now. :)
I love reading blogs and commenting. Unless the post is overly long, it gets my full attention.
Susan :)
I once read that we should end our blogs with a question, to kick off comments so people can skim what we've written and go straight to the question. I hope people don't do that but I'd understand if they do. Sometimes time is limited and people can write some lonnnnnnnnnnnnng blogs! Mine today was probably a little long.
Guilty as charged. You make a really good point here, and it's got me thinking: maybe I write too much or post too often (5 days/week). I know I am too wordy...maybe cutting down the length of each post would be a good place to start?
You've given this skimmer a lot of think about (and I did read your whole post, I swear!).
Just wanted to thank you, too, for your super sweet comment on my blog yesterday. It's lovely to meet you here!
Guilty as charged. I rush through blogs and comments because I have such a limited amount of time for it. Now I'm considering reading less, so that I can get more our of what I do read. Thanks for making me stop and think.
I rush through posts a lot... I sometimes feel like the need to post SOMETHING is more important than posting something valuable. And then I rush. But that's so not true... it's better to spend time and write something valuable than to just rush and throw words up there. Thanks for the reminder.
Oh, those tricky, fickle blogging relationships... You read my posts, I'll try and read yours...And does skimming count? That's one of the reasons I quit blogging for a season, but now that I'm ready to jump back in again, my biggest concern is how do readers find me? Do I have to run the blogging circles and make a witty comment so they click back over to me? These relationships can be exhausting sometimes, right? Unless we give it up to the Lord and be content with the people he brings our way. No matter how large or small!
I enjoy reading a good post. But the challenge of getting everything done is always difficult. So yes, I have rushed through many posts. It all depends on the day. :)
Like you, I've cut back on writing so I can read more posts of others. I've always tried to read a post in its entirety, although I'm fairly sure others don't read mine in entirety. I do hope that when people come to my place it's a sincere gesture of relationship, as I try to offer the same. That being said, I have longer posts than most, so it's fine with me if readers take a pass.
Really, I don't want to control it in my mind in any way. Take me or leave me...
I will say that with some blog writers, it takes me a bit longer to get through their posts. I know that going in, so I make sure I have time before going there.
Always love coming here... always read what you write, sister.
I don't mind if someone/everyone rushes through my posts. That's exactly why I leave a question in giant font at the bottom. If anyone wants they can just read the question and answer. I'm always so humbled that I have any comments at all. =)
It depends on how long the post is. If it's a long article, I scroll the bold points and read a little here and there. If it's short, for sure I read the whole thing! But I don't read hundreds of blogs, either. It's difficult and mind-boggling to make the rounds.
Oohhhh. Aahhhhh....!! :)
When I first started blogging I read and gathered, but found it impossible to keep up, And to use the tools I was learning from posts. So, yes I started to skim but than started to post just once a week, and commenting on average 5 per day allowing me to absorb the information. Funny is that sometimes I feel guilty not being a skimmer because I don't visit as many places!!
Great questions--I ask them myself.
I am guilty of rushing through posts, to get more in each day, and to answer those who comment on my posts. But I hate to rush, when they've spent oodles of time writing for my benefit. Hate it.
I have cut back to two posts a week for this very reason--to spend more time and savor the relationships.
You are wonderful. You see where my heart is. I love you, Terri.
I've come to realize that blog posts are a skill unto themselves--making them readable, relatively short, and interesting. I do skim, if the post is very long and rambling, but I always make an effort to try to see what the author is getting at.
I can tell if a commenter skimmed my post too--usually the comment is very generic, but I'm not complaining. It's nice that they even stopped by.
Sure I do. Am struggling right now with how much blog hopping I should be doing. It's a fine line, but I'm feeling 'quiet' these days. I have inspiration to maintain my own, but feel that the Lord wants me to lay off spending so much time everywhere else. I could guilt about that, but I know that others have time issues the same as I do. If this needs to be a time of relative silence (from others) on my own blog, then so be it. It's not really mine anyway.
P.S. - Love your happy news!
You bring up something very pertinent (and I, too, have decided to post two, maybe three times a week and then devote the rest of my blogging time to comments). All of us are busy, with our own writing, with life. That's why we should post BRIEF posts. I think of Old Kitty as an example. My recent post is a little longer than I would like. I'm working on this! Better to post short posts every day than a long post every other day. At least that's MY humble opinion.
Well said.
Ann Best, Author
I rarely skim a blog, unless is is extremely long and about something technical that I won't use soon. Even then, I try to read it qickly instead of just a skim. I have learned many things that way.
I can usually tell if a blogger hasn't read the whole blog. Or maybe they have and just can't relate. I know people are busy and most have many people to visit. So, I'm excited about anything they have to say.
Hi Terri, even if its 2 a.m in the night and I am craving for sleep, I read the posts. I avoid skimming and make it a point to read the entire post.
Like you, I am a big one for connecting with other writers.
I know exactly what you mean! I'm definitely guilty of this too... I find that if I know I'm going to end up skimming, I usually don't comment, but I try to come back later when I can give it my full attention.
GUILTY - I try to keep in touch, honestly and thoroughly, but it's hard as a stay-at-home mom with two toddlers. Sometimes, a cursory glance is all I have time for! I must remember to SLOW down and enjoy it. Thank you for the reminder.
I so agree with you, Terri! I like short and to the point posts that I can read without feeling like I don't have enough time. I don't post very often, and my posts are always short. The connections through blogging are certainly what's important.
If someone didn't read the whole post, I wouldn't be offended. I recognize that everyone is busy, and I'm just thankful they stopped by. One thing I appreciate about other bloggers is when they keep their posts short. I have a short attention span, and definitely keep mine short for a reason.
Terri, you never fail to shy away from the truth of the blogging community. I like that. :)
Like you, I decided to cut back and commit to at least one post a week, but if I only get one posted, it's no problem. It takes so much time to read so many blogs, but I'm blessed by all the wonderful posts (and community of writers), and it helps my own writing and creativity.
I cut back on my own posts for the same reason. I was starting to write just to fill space, and why waste anyone's time on that? Within seconds of reading a post, I can usually tell if this is "filler" I can skim through quickly or if someone has really put some time and thought into it.
I truly read the entire post, and that's why I haven't visited as many blogs as I'd like, or as often as I'd prefer. Blogging time is limited to me. Work and family keep me busy. I am actually grateful I have that many followers since I don't post but once a week, and sometimes it had been almost two weeks in between posts...
I love all my connections. I have learned so much. Blogging has been a blessing to me.
same here, Terri. I post only once a week sometimes twice, because I want to visit other blogs and truly "read" what is written.
Wow, you have a lot of posts!
This is the reason why I keep my posts short. If the post is long, I have to skim through it.
I know I skim when they're long. I try to make mine shorter so people can read quick and move onto another blog.
thanks for speaking a truth so many are unwilling to admit.
it's true - there are lots of blogs and even more things that need to be accomplished in a day. sometimes skimming over a post is the only polite way to reciprocate. i guess i'd rather know they cared enough to stop in and visit with me, even if it's for a quick hello, then not to visit at all.
Thanks for the post.
To be frank I read close to 40 blogs in a day in four languages.. So its pretty difficult to manage the time. So if the posts are lengthy, i feel like getting out. But certain posts which starts very good cannot be avoided too.
I don't read all the posts that comes my way but sometimes it so happens that some blogs just glue you to their writings, their images and only there i put a comment. I don't comment for the sake of it!
Love it--I speed-read my way through life.
Hey, my surprise is finally here! Any author who wants to can add info to my author showcase!
I'm new to this and i'm finding that half the fun of blogging is reading other people's blogs and comments, then commenting myself.
People like you make this a lot of fun! TY for your inspirational site.
I'm new to this and i'm finding that half the fun of blogging is reading other people's blogs and comments, then commenting myself.
People like you make this a lot of fun! TY for your inspirational site.
I am sitting in a hotel room, alone, could post on my blog, could finish a paper for my class, could text my children, but I decided to go onto my google reader and read articles from blog I have not been on for a while. Both this post and the one above have touched my heart and yes, I read both post fully. I have not been very prolific these days when it comes to blogging. I believe it is a rest time to reflect upon more deeply my journey with Jesus. I enjoy visiting your blog and reading your thoughts. Oh, one more thing...I too have lost everything this world has to offer and what is still with me? My faith in Christ. This can never be taken away or lost only if I decide to turn away. Hopefully I will post soon...rs
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